
Solid axles don't piss me off, poorly built, overpriced pieces of shit do

It has been happening since 1941 and they haven’t fixed it.  Jeeps suck.

You should not publish these accounts.  It is irresponsible.  People who pursue this record put their own lives and the lives of innocent people on the roads they travel at risk.  Shame on you for glorifying this madness.

You can think climate change is an important problem and still think Greta is full of shit.

Jesus Christ, it's been 3 fucking days! How obsessed are you on defending the honor of a stupid fucking BMW?  How much research did you do to respond to a fucking blog comment from a stranger? Get a life, you pathetic fucking loser fanboy.  My God, you are sick in the head to obsess on this bullshit for 3 days. You

I provided you with plenty of legitimate observers who agree that reliability is not a BMW strength, contradicting an industry-rigged JD Power award that is primarily a marketing tool. The fact that you continue to persist in claiming that recent BMWs have a reputation for reliability is high comedy. Let it go, dude.

JD Power is marketing - paid-for ratings.  I don't know of a single enthusiast who considers BMW reliable or durable, and that reputation has only gotten worse over time.  They are built to last the duration of the warranty and collapse after.  Perfect cars to lease 

The evidence would suggest otherwise.

Yeah....about that...30th out of 32 brands....

It is because Toyota has a great engine heritage, and they put the Supra straight sixes into other models over the years as well. Toyota people do not want a rebadged BMW, they want a Toyota.

I hate these more than I can say

It is funny when how private business decisions silence expression in ways you approve of, you cheer.  But when they make choices you don’t like, you want their dicks to fall off.  

If by "a lot" you mean "all" then yes

He worked for Barstool?  Or Uproxx Sports?

Dumbass, I said none of those things. You couldn't be more stupid if you tried. 

If by journalism, you mean lazy garbage written for foolish children, then yes.