
The problems you are describing come from decades of left wing political policy that drive the poverty and inequality you are describing.  The income inequality exacerbated during the pandemic was rhe result of a left wing policy response to the pandemic that failed to deliver any benefit while harming millions of

You are a sociopath

Have avoided Jalopnik for a while due to lack of interest.  Returned and this article was the first thing I saw.  Thanks for reminding me why I stay away.

Too bad it is a shithole full of assholes

Union YES!

aww...such a good person. We should all aspire to be you

The truth is not welcome here.

The only randomized controlled trials out there for masks suggest otherwise. If masks have any positive effect, it is extremely limited. Masks are the talisman that we are choosing to believe in, not a real solution

This is batshit crazy. You are at higher risk of dying in a car accident than you are of dying of Covid. Travel by road - you isolated in your car - is exceedingly safe.

This is the one that built Toyota

The funniest thing about this moron is he thinks he is so woke that he argues with you about the racist implications of the word “thug” while ignoring his own explicit misogyny in calling you “Pussy ass bitch.” He is worried about racist dog whistling while using openly misogynistic language to insult you. A stunning

That family is a group of intelligence operatives and war criminals. Trump is an amateur villain compared to the Bushes, especially GW.  How the fuck did we get to a place where so-called progressives think of the Bushes as the good conservatives?  GW’s administration was a real life Legion of Doom.

How many times do we have to read about your reckless disregard for safety and total lack of any environmental concern?  None of this is stuff you should be proud of.

Numbers are showing it to be much less dangerous than originally feared. Andrew Cuomo announced that it appears the data shows that the fatality rate in New York is likely 0.5%.  Half a percent does not justify putting 30 million people out of work and destroying millions of businesses.  People are acting as though

This is factually untrue. In California (and most of the country), hospitals are empty.

To be honest, never really liked your work, but good luck anyway.  I hope you get better at accepting criticism.  You showed yourself to be unduly thin-skinned here.

Personally, I prefer other types of racing to NASCAR. But I can’t help but be annoyed by Jalopnik’s elitist attitude that seems to be driven more by disdain for the sport’s fanbase than any thoughtful consideration of these stories

And Jalopnik's anti-Nascar pearl clutching appears entirely unjustified.  Safety precautions turned out to be pretty damn effective.

Criticism comes with the job.  She seems to acknowledge that the article was not well written, and offers excuses for it.  The guy was a dick about it, but the quality of the article was not really there, as other comments and the author seem to acknowledge. But her "I was tired, let's see you do better" was pretty

Exactly what I expected from the readership of this shitty blog