
Not sure who is the bigger asshole, him or you

You suck

Actually every article has reported on the scandal.  You are just an asshole.

You are a heatless bastard.  Celebrating another person's death is a bad look on you.

It's fine.  Backing in is a dick move.

This might be the dumbest conversation I have ever been a part of, and I am checking out.  The irrational human I see here is you.

Fuck royalty and the entire retrograde concept.  All of them. 

Not really.  What people get paid is dictated by the revenue they generate.  Celebrities get paid a lot for that reasons.  Teachers are important, but don't generate revenue.

And again, this is why there were no sponsors and the car is worth less than anticipated.  People don't care enough for it to be commercially viable.  BTW, the first motorsports event I ever attended was Mickey Thompson's Super Bowl of Motocross at the LA Coliseum about 40 years ago.

Because no one cares about silly land speed records.  Hence no sponsors.

This is an absolutely incoherent post. What the hell is your point beyond that you hate the current movie? Thesis, please. One part did make me laugh:

You really should mention that the Japanese criminal justice system is not "strict," it is fascist, especially toward non-Japanese.  It is weird that this site is so forgiving toward Japan, a horrifically racist and repressive nation that makes the US look like a model of tolerance and fairness.

Lindy is busy being treated for diabetes and heart disease.

Literally none of these plans have any hope of becoming reality.  And unions are as corrupt and the corporations Warren claims to hate, and taking their money is as bad as taking money from any wealthy donors.  Unions are moneyed corporate interests as responsible for political corruption as any others.  

You’ve done a good job, but remember to leave with dignity, unlike so many of your colleagues across this platform.  Leaving says all you need to say; petulance is beneath you.  

Those  things did not exist before fossil fuels.  And the KKK invented smog.

Someone has to.  There is certainly no insight in this horseshit

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read, and I am definitely dumber for having read it.