
a journalists is someone who journals things.”

Incomplete reporting is sloppy, shitty journalism, kind of like trying to use big words when you don’t know what they mean, picking the wrong one, and then trying to brush it off. And I am not Scottish.

I never said sea level wasn't rising, but it is shitty journalism not to even mention subsidence.  And "exasperated" is not the word you were looking for, it is "exacerbated." Try a thesaurus.

Exactly.  There can be more than one cause, but this dumb site is only interested in one thing.  

And ignore subsidence of a half inch or more a year, apparently.

This is a misleading article. Climate change is not the only culprit here - Venice has been sinking for a long time, and you are negligent in failing to even mention it. Typical of what passes for “journalism” here.

No shit, sweetheart, you’d obviously want to make it as beautiful as possible.

And they still suck

Splinter was a dull hunk of shit catering to an echo chamber of silly leftism.  Yeah, that union really helped y’all.  Good luck.

It is just a non-specific derisive term for people this commenter doesn't like.  It has no actual meaning or context here.

I get it. White people should not enjoy black artists. How about Asians? Are they allowed to like it or do you think they should just listen to K-Pop? How about Latinos? What are they allowed to enjoy?

I don't know about that, but I sure see a dumbass right there.

Most insignificant injustice in the history of injustice.

He should be flogged for playing a part in a movie series you don’t like?  I wonder who the asshole really is here...

Why would you want to?  It was awful and a waste of a good cast.

Still an afterthought, even in this article.

This statement is funnier than Keenan Thompson

Maybe because Bill Murray is a bigger star, and drives more revenue, so he is worth more money 

So many people wanted to excuse the failure of the 2016 film by saying "they hate girls!" But the blame rests squarely with Frig, who took a talented cast and made one of the worst, most unfunny turds I have ever seen.  It was unwatchable.  That said, we should probably let Ghostbusters die.  It's over, and this

This is exactly it.  Workers need and deserve to be in charge of their own representation. The full time union jobs are usually for guys who don’t want to work anymore, or weren’t capable of doing the job in the first place.  I am sorry about what happened to your dad, but it is typical.  We have enabled unions to