
This review is what happens when humorless people take themselves too seriously.  You need to get over your teen years. They aren't very important.  Being called a jezebel while dancing should not leave a lifetime scar.  The problem may be you.

Nothing about this is surprising if you have spent one second in the Bay Area.  

Mueller also helped perpetuate the WMD hoax to start the Iraq war, bit let's forget that.

All "sex work" is inherently trade in personal degradation.  People can make this choice, but let's stop pretending that this is honest work that takes no toll on those who choose that path. They pay heavy price for what they do 

“Nice" - only if you fit the right profile.

She pled guilty, and was sentenced within the range requested by her lawyers - much less than the government wanted. She did not serve her sentence.  It was commuted for political reasons.

Yawn.  Denial. If she wasn't transgender, y'all would let her rot.  She is your token to make you feel better about yourself.

The funny thing is how much of your lunatic babbling couldn't be more off the mark.

You cannot deflect from crimes she was duly convicted of after receiving due process, and uncharged acts that you want to characterize as crimes for political purposes. Perhaps there are events that should be investigated and prosecuted, but Manning still needs to pay the price for her crimes. You also ignore the

She leaked diplomatic cables that put people in danger. An Ethiopoan journalist had to leave his country, and the U.S. government said it had to relocate several sources.

Her sentence was perfect for a soldier who leaked classified information. 

She is grandstanding.  Prison has worked out really well for her so far 

Manning committed treason and belongs in prison

This was not good.  Anonymity is better.  We had a lot more games and series turned because of refs with egos back then

Like the NBA actually wants the rules enforced. Stars have been traveling forever, as well as a million other things they get away with

Maybe they are just basketball fans with more money 

Oakland cannot sustain professional sports. The market has proven it. Even the Warriors’ success cannot keep them in Oakland.

Emelia Clarke’s tremendous acting.”