
God forbid people like things.  Assholes.

Dude, it’s just a band with some fun party songs.

Moving from a shithole to a smughole

This would be the best possible scenario for the rest of the nation in so many ways...

You misspelled dumbass. She failed to follow even the most basic of wilderness safety rules and almost got herself killed.

What are the chances you could earn a living without a taxpayer-subsidized bureaucracy to prop you up, or good forbid, you had to work 12 months a year? What if you actually had to prove your value in a competitive endeavor? It would never happen. You aren’t capable.

Nope. I am mocking Michelle Obama for her dumb vanity project that backfired. Like teachers, First Ladies have no accountability. 

Teachers have less accountability than any profession and you know it.It is a repository for mediocrity, and you reveal how bad you suck at it by blaming the kids for adult failures because you can’t get over your crush on Michelle Obama.

Why are you so protective of a person who branded an ineffective and unneeded “reform” effort that ultimately failed?

California has the 4th worst schools, the worst roads, the highest gas, worst poverty and worst income inequality in the country. We have the nation’s worst affordable housing crisis, and a public pension system careening toward insolvency.  We have not built water storage and delivery infrastructure in over 40 years,

They get confused easy around here.

Don't sell yourself short. You have inherited a long and deep history of abused children and subnormal parents.  Think of it this way: your genes are like a DNA baseline.  You are intelligent enough to survive on your own, bit not smart enough to recognize how stupid you actually are. Your children won't be disabled,

How does it feel to be weak, frightened, and unloved?

Yay, let's have a lot of death and suffering!

And you are doing exactly what you complain about.

You realize these men were murderous tyrants, right?

You seem loveable and pleasant and not judgemental at all. I am sure they are all terrible and you are the sensitive, insightful genius trapped among troglodytes.

Sounds like you got your feelings hurt.  Poor baby.