
Stupid and boring is a bad combination.  You should work on that.

It is what your mom told you after she sent you out into the world with an empty head and forced the rest of us to educate you.  This is just getting sad now.

You have now fallen down to “I know you are but what am I?”

This is a very interesting point in the conversation. You can almost hear the sound of your brain clunking on empty as you run out of ideas and things to say.

All of it is bad.

Thanks for making no sense whatsoever and proving that you are an idiot. Now run along, little dummy. And stop eating those things you pull out of your nose. It's gross. It is one of the reasons why your skin is so bad.

No, I have excellent insight into the value of a person.

It is a stupid question that makes me not care about what you think, but no, I did not.  

Did you?

Only if it is very late term, and preferably you.

The food they get at home is fine, stupid. The allegedly healthy food at school is horrible and inedible, and kids eat whatever yhey can get on their own. There actually a snack foos black market. As they always do, the First Lady PR stunt failed. You can’t force people, even kids, to do what you think is best just

This comment also provides tremendous insight, as teachers and bureaucrats always blame parents for their failures, and the failure of their institutions.  Keep marking time toward that taxpayer funded pension in jobs that have no accountability.  It seems to have worked well for you.

Or you are just a dumbass milking your role in a massive and incompetent bureaucracy that fails the nation daily.  Congrats!

The fact that you were allowed to live past birth is tragic.

Yes.  It is not an isolated experience.  Virtually every First Lady PR/Vanity project is bullshit.  The fact that you think that any good could come from such a thing is really funny.

Yeah....that is exactly it. Me and everyone that I know.  You are spectacularly dumb.

I am ambivalent about them and find their canonization to be high comedy.

Immediately after she imposed her standards (as an unelected official) my kids and their friends complained about the changes, and started refusing to eat even the free meals at school. If your infatuation with Michelle Obama is so great that the slightest perceived criticisms of her send you into a defensive fury,

The question is more why you are so emotionally wound up about Michelle Obama.

Citation is my personal experience, dumbass.