
Wild at Heart is wonderful


It is a Sunchaser - Targa top RA43 81 Celica

Vince is probably still game to give it a shot.

There is no labor "movement." 

I am a labor lawyer. This is illegal. It also doesn’t happen at a union company without the complicity of the union and a bargaining unit of employees willing to screw their colleagues to protect what they have.

Couldn't have been that wonderful

You mean unpopular shows being cancelled? Shocking.

If it was the best sitcom made in the last 5 other 10 years more people would have watched and it would not have been canceled. 

Prostitutes want legalization for the same reason that drug addicts do. They want to destroy themselves without law enforcement interference

The love that this site has for prostitution is appalling.  From a public health and safety perspective it should be legal. But it should be an object of scorn. Prostitution is inherently degrading and exploitive by its very nature.  Calling it "sex work" softens the blow of what it really is.  So legalize it for

You kid yourself. This will all be forgotten and life will return to normal

Why should I care?

That'll buff right out

Human arrogance is a staggering thing, and the inevitability of climate apocalypse has reached death cult proportions.

So basically you thought it was a mediocre movie but loved women being in it. So like Black Panther, as long as a mediocre movie has the right message then it is good. Sigh.

Aww...just a baby.

No, the poor schmuck who bought an "86" is. Talk about underpowered...

Exactly the problem