
Did you know that on the highest trim level it is an ejector seat to escape the flames.

They should worry more about how it stacks up against the GTI. Or doesn't

We are apparently not allowed to admit that she is awful and not funny.

I think the rules of the Internet are that I am supposed to make fun of you and call you stupid. I don’t like those rules.

The battle to be most woke continues unabated with reviews like this.

You don’t know where you are. Only superlatives are allowed for black artists. It is unacceptable for them to be merely good, or to have any weaknesses in their work.

“allegedly" molestation-free

Then for God's sake, keep your clothes on.

Because the USSR was so progressive?



Umm...this country just elected a black person. Twice. By wide margins. That was a trick?

I love seeing the left eat itself alive. This is fun. Please keep it up.

It's just that you demonstrate so well while having no idea what's over - and you keep doing it. Remarkable.

Thanks for the validation! You rule!

Proof positive of everything I wrote

You have made my point beautifully. Thank you.

Somehow, I really doubt it.

Something tells be your widdle brain hurts when you work it too hard.

Oh, no! I am mortally wounded!