
Be blind if you like. It's cool. 

I do not disagree; like you I find both repellent. But for the moment, left wing thought policing scares me more. I feel like right wing authoritarianism is more self-aware, where the left believes their own horseshit

One is a lot more hell-bent on re-engineering the world into a singular set of views.

One more than the other. It's ok if you don't want to think critically. 

All totalitarianism arises welcomed by the people as the answer to perceived evil.  It is dangerous to equate politics with morality, which at present is the view of the left. We are all in trouble any time one side sees itself as objectively correct and morally superior.

The most inflexible and dogmatic views that I see around me are those on the left. Just my personal experience. If you get robbed or assaulted for God’s sake don’t call a cop.

This is the future the left wants for this country to enforce idealogical compliance

No. That Amazon be left alone to host whatever content they want based upon viewer interest - which is why they hosted this stuff in the first place. They are getting pressure by assholes who don’t like it and want other people to not warch it to not host it, which is why it is getting kicked off the platform.

That is nothing but an excuse for the suppression of ideas 

Regular washing protects against the e coli on the lettuce in almost all cases. My point about bleach was for the most paranoid. The romaine panic was a classic example of government overreach - and avoidance of due processes. Businesses where there was no connection to the issue were devastated by the decision to

Oh, you mean the destruction of an entire industry without due process when a little water and a teaspoon of bleach would solve the problem?

Do you understand that there are people who believe that promotion of civil rights for LBGTQ people is "directly harmful"? These are dangerous standards for the suppression of expression.

These are the planks of your platform for the suppression of ideas.  Thank you.

At least we know that you are the person who gets to decide what we are allowed to see.

Ah, yes, suppress freedom of religious expression.  This is a favorite of totalitarian regimes everywhere.

I cannot stand anti-vax people, but this is wrong. People shout be able to watch whatever they want to watch and we should not be curtailing access to suppress unpopular views, even those many feel are "dangerous." This is how facism starts. There is no need to fear ignorance. Put it in the light.

Don't be a dumbass.  Problem solved 

This is some high level assholery.  You need to chill

Did not realize it was a lifetime achievement award