
I am so sick of superheroes that I can't even get excited for Spider-Man. Yay - more CGI cartoon fights.

She is the left wing Sarah Palin.

There was nothing credible about his story of MAGA-shouting things roaming Chicago in 10 degree weather from the start, except for people with a desperate need for validation of exactly the twisted view of the world that blogs like this profit from.  This is a story about why we should wait for evidence.

You seem to avoid discussing your assessment of their credibility.

Most of the Marvel and comic book movies do not hold up well.  

Blindly believe everything! So stupid...

Why is it hard to believe?

Liberals demand blind adherence to their dogma. Watch 

I don’t know how to live in a world where the President is selling friend chicken. Fuck RoboCop.

Every time I think there are limits to human stupidity, Twitter proves me wrong

Narcissism. You should be familiar with it.

He is a bad human. Part of letting go of bigotry is accepting that people of all types are shitty

It is a reflection on people who believe accusations on their face prior to the presentation of evidence.

The best socialists are always the ones who is it to profit.

How can you not think he is guilty? Nothing about his story was ever remotely plausible.

If you want a candidate who staked out impossible to achieve positions and thus has never had to take any real risk while being a part of a power structure that maintained the status quo then vote for Bernie

Obama set the stage for Trump, and people here want the next guy to do the same thing.  None of this is in a vacuum. The post is about how the next guy should abuse power. The answer is not get your own guy in there to abuse power, it is to oppose the abuse of power, whoever it is.  The fact that you refuse to even

I was actually pretty specific here. Maybe literacy isn't your jam.