
Did you? Where did I defend Trump or say give him a chance? All I said is that it is inconsistent to be outraged about Trump's abuse of authority if you were ok with it when Obama did it.

You quickly forget the wholesale murder of civilians by drone strikes, getting railed by China economically (like his 2 predecessors), Syria intervention, Iran deal, failing to end wars in the Middle East, basically continuing Bush policies by inertia. And much, much more. He was awful in that regard.

All of them.

There is nothing “apparently legal” about them. These issues have not been adjudicated.

This is exactly how I would expect a person who stopped listening to other people a long time ago to react.

Sorry - “facts” was the word you clearly do not understand.

It is particularly bitter that a Legislature that cheered Obama rendering them irrelevant now is apoplectic when Trump does the same.

As do you, whose language demonstrates a vast intellectual capacity.

It is actually Hanalei Bay in Hawaii, and it is lovely

That was the actual show. 

Yeah. Exactly.

Now playing

Your misrepresentation of what I said shows your level of “good faith.”


You make a delightful zealot.

Thank you for proving my point by presuming my views and immediately attacking any possibility of heretical views. 

You are remarkable.  All I can say is at least you are honest. I just hope there aren't many of you 

You need to turn that frown upside down.


I have not suggested otherwise. But look at how many in these comments hate Trump but act exactly like him.

Pick up a textbook and learn how to think and communicate.