
You really have mastered Trump’s playbook. Don’t you think that is a little weird?

You need to work on literacy a bit, and then come back. Thanks for participating.

I am not sure you even know what a felony is. Not one shred of evidence but the coerced plea statement of a proven liar. There has been nothing of substance from anyone. Your entire tone and approach shows emotional reaction, not rational thought. It makes it really hard to take you seriously. But hey, it seems to

The evidence suggests otherwise, but your loyalty is cute.

It's funny that you think any thing left of them is anything other than a cartoon

When you talk about there types of systems, left and right become a snake eating its own tail. Every oppressive system convinced people they were working for the greater good. Democracy is chaotic. But the type of reasoning you put forth here is a short trip to murder and oppression in the name of that greater good.

Denying infidelity is minor perjury.  No one ever gets prosecuted, no one cares.  If saying “I didn’t do it” was serious, every civil case would end with a perjury prosecution.  The parallel continues - Clinton could not be removed once convicted because the Senate would not play ball.  If they impeach Trump, the same

Executive orders in and of themselves are not an abuse of power.  It is how they are used.  Most of Trump’s Executive Orders have been entirely hot air, and meaningless.

As for this crowd, I enjoy how they make their point.  I can also stumble across someone like you who actually has something interesting to say. ;)

The point of the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard is that impeachment is not the remedy for ordinary wrongdoing - that comes at the ballot box. The removal of a sitting President is reserved for the most severe of legal violations, not minor misconduct stumbled across in the course of a politically motivated


Who am I supporting here? I have not endorsed the right or left political viewpoint; I have simply made observations about process and unintended consequences associated with abuse of power. The fact that you make these presumptions about where I sit says a lot more about you than me.

Congress is not obligated to pass laws for the president.  There is nothing “renegade” about it. Getting them to do it is part of the job of being President. Reagan was good at that part, so was Clinton. So was Bush II. Obama sucked at it.  When you hire a one term senator to do this job, you pay for his inexperience.

All you have to do is change right to left and this remains remarkably accurate, which is exactly why means, methods, and process matter.

It was legislation by executive fiat, creating a type of visa and a new class of immigration status that had never existed before.  They shoehorned it into the idea of “prosecutorial discretion,” but it represents unilateral Presidential lawmaking of a type we have not seen.

The only people at present who appear hell bent at attacking all dissent is the left. Look at the comments here. Look at the approach to climate change, and just about every other issue. If you even ask a question, you are a heretic, a hater of science, and a bigot. All of the monolithic views are coming from the left

I think it is horrifying that you would embrace an authoritarian society as long as it looks like you, but at least you are a more honest brand of fascist than the rest hanging around here.

Replacing Thomas with a conservative doesn’t change anything about the dynamics of the court.  The whole ballgame is the RBG seat. If RBG dies during Trump, that is it for the Dems for 35 years.

The DACA case is far from over, and most legal observers are fairly confident that Trump will win that case. All that happened was those who want to preserve DACA got a preliminary injunction preventing the immediate cancellation of the program because of the immediate and dire consequences on visa recipients.

The type of perjury involved was the denial of wrondoing in a civil deposition, which is a type of dishonesty that is rarely if ever prosecuted, and almost never prosecuted successfully.  If you cannot see the Clinton impeachment for what it was, it comes as no surprise that you are incapable of looking critically at