
Congress does not abuse its authority when it refuses to act. Clinton, as distasteful as he may be, was very effective working with a hostile Congress. As was Bush II, and Reagan as well.

Ok, Chicken Little. Fundamentalism is very comforting to the small minded and frightened.

You are the most honest person in these comments.

I really don’t think you understand what “objective” means.  You are declaring your opinion to be immutable fact, which seems to be the most closed minded thing a person could do.

It is actually not how the enemies of fascists talk. You are using the fascist technique of branding your adversary with what you have created as a universally repellent label, regardless of the word’s original meaning.

It is ignorance when you are unwilling to debate these ideas with those who disagree with you. You accept only dogmatic adherence to a single set of beliefs.

You are not asking for acknowledgement.  You are a fundamentalist testing faith.

Investigations that have not yielded one bit of evidence of wrongdoing by the President, even by the most favorable interpretation. Investigations that cannot even define what Russian “interference” is, or whether there was actually an impact on the outcome of the election.

This is exactly how facists talk, and the type of viewpoint that gives rise to authoritarianism. Authoritarian movements are always populist in nature, and they depend on the public’s willingness to divide into enemies and allies based upon broad and immutable moral positions.

It’s “au contraire,” thanks for playing the role of the ignorant.

This is a simplistic and partisan view that places the ends above the means.  This is why we are where we are.  Anyone who says that their partisan belief is “objectively” true has stopped listening, particularly when George Bush II was exponentially worse than Trump in terms of his impact on the country and the

You have a very limited view of Obama, and ignore his disastrous foreign policy record entirely. He spent his entire second term legislating from the White House. DACA and other unilateral executive actions, while perhaps admirable from a policy standpoint, is one of the worst abuses of executive authority in the

If you see the world in terms of enemies and allies, you will always need a weapon and you will never put your guns down. 

Using perceived emergencies to justify the forced imposition of executive action is facism.  Left or right. 

Trump couldn’t be happier that “Bernie” is in play. There is no war, and there is no victory to be had. Here is what you are ignoring in your rush to build a left wing dictatorship where dissent is not allowed.

No.  Abuse of power is wrong whoever does it. You can choose to ignore Obama’s abuse of executive authority because you agree with him, but it is silly to think that unilateral action by the president does not have an impact down the road.  Republicans don’t like to admit that their stupid impeachment of Clinton set

Bush, sadly, acted with the consent and broad authority granted to him by Congress, as most of the Democratic leadership cheered his wars.

Classic leftist thinking. Let’s double down on the abuse of power with more abuse of power. Has Obama’s abuse of authority setting the stage for Trump’s not taught you the law of unintended consequences?

Maybe you should take it as a reminder of the difference between fiction and reality.

Blame everyone but HRC's inept campaign....