
Man, you are reaching far and wide for people to blame. 

You need to relax and breathe. This is not an existential crisis. Easy, Chicken Little.

This makes Trump so happy

If you get into a sexual relationship with the expectation of career advancement and don't get it, you are only a victim of your own lack of self respect


How about stop blindly believing accusations?

This is why "always believe victims" is dumb.

No. That isn't how self defense works. She left after the attack and drove away. She could have done that.

Thank you

It was not self defense. He was asleep. She was acquitted due to insanity, not self defense

This is so dumb. She cut off a part of a person’s body while he was asleep. This is not self - defense. It was a violent assault that should be condemned just like an other violent assault. You appear to disagree with the verdict acquitting Bobbit, but have no problem with the jury that set her free. She chose to

Keep swallowing that dogma. I know thinking hurts.

Hey, she volunteered for Obama's campaign

AOC is the Sarah Palin of the left

Football players are not victims. You need to move on with your life. No one made you play. You were paid handsomely. You knew it was bad for your health. Grow up 

Who gives a shit? It's just a hashtag. It isn't a "movement"

So tired of superheroes. Ready for comic book nonsense to go the way of the western 

We need dams and reservoirs badly 

Crazy eyes

He's dumb to play and risk injury. He has nothing to gain