
This post was dumb and has no point. Sounds like sour grapes from a marginal role player jealous that a star player got a better media job.

Or more disturbing and dangerous, that John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer became what they were because they were gay, which is where this line of thinking can go.

They have to oversimplify here so they can say he did it because of "toxic masculinity."

Project much?

This is somewhat typical of the AV Club reviews these days - everything through the lens of your simplistic, left wing world view.

The hate being directed at this child is tragic. He wore the wrong hat and he is the wrong color. Shame on you. 

Being resentful and put upon. I bet you are a barrel of laughs. Poor guy 

Make sure that least electable candidate is chosen....

Underestimate him at your peril. That is what happened last time.

My question was not intended to be a politically loaded one. I agree with you that the lack of care and support for mentally ill people is a crime, and I agree that they are not more likely to commit crimes or to be violent.

Not everyone has to share your hurt feelings. It was a good movie. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

Because mental illness has nothing to do with mass shootings?

No one owes you or anyone else an "alternative portrait" in the media. 

Stop it. You take things too seriously.

I thought it was great. This is a bad review.

Nobody but a fucking asshole relates everything back to politics and Trump. Give it a rest.

Wait...this isn't journalism?

Happy Gilmore is fucking brilliant.

Greg Hardy's relationships tend to end the same way.