
Same can be said for people who fall for publicity stunts. 

He and Angelina have more in common that we all suspected.

You sound like fun. 


Paul Feig sucks

They don’t count and are being ignored strictly because the movie was so bad as to be unwatchable.  I blame Paul Feig for having the masterful ability to take talented women and render them unfunny and dull.  The reality is, even if you think otherwise, the anemic box office meant that this was a dead end road for

If the person who is in the office of the President can frustrate you to a degree that hastens your death, the problem is you.  Sounds like she needed a little sense of perspective.  Like many people who will see this comment.

Rich people can be dumb too!

I disagree with this. Suicide should be morally condemned. It does harm to everyone around the person.

Especially Marshawn. You tell young black people not to vote, you get Trump

Ahh... competitive balance and parity. That salary cap and draft lottery system are really working out.

I couldn’t get through this review because of your determination to make this all about social commentary. Also, enough with the legitimization of sex work. People are entitled to choose to do it, and we should endeavor to make it legal or safe, but I am entitled not to respect people who choose to degrade themselves

Frankly, the commenter who came out with the pitchfork based on a rumored bat despite Madonna's consistent denial of the abuse is emblematic of #MeToo.

He is selling out all of these shows, and all of the hysteria is helping him do it.  He will keep getting booked as long as tickets sell, as it should be.

Why can’t people see what they want to see? Why do you get to decide what people get to consume?  If you don’t want to see Louis C.K., don’t go.  But why shouldn’t other people get to see it if they think it is funny? feelings are so hurt. You can dismiss my comments to hide your foolishness all you want.  Again, you behave like the religious fundamentalist you are, expressing aggression to conceal your insecurity and fear of dissent.

Every church needs its Messiah who cannot be questioned.  You are right on script. Ever watch his clean coal speeches?  They rule.



 You’re getting worked up.  You really need to settle down.’s ok.