
You'll note that I never said we were a paragon of justice. But we receive a disproportionate bashing while most of the world does far worse. I find the defense of Japan, one of the most racist countries on Earth, particularly amusing. It is easy to appear equitable when you force a homogeneous societym

So your point is that you have no point?

You are insane. She would not even be prosecuted here, much less convicted twice.

And just because we have flaws doesn't mean we should be the constant punching bag, either.

No point in discussion with a person who fails to understand the difference between analogy and philosophy

Legal education in this country is shit, which is best exemplified in moronic ethics courses. Comic books are tripe for children. High concept, simple execution, and lots of flashy colors.

Japan is a repressive nation with a 99.9% conviction rate. It seems self evident. The WJP is a politically motivated pile of horseshit, as reliable as gun industry studies on firearms.

I think you are upset with someone who isn't here.

Your naivete is adorable. Trust the police, they know how to get it roght.

Have not seen it.

Keep those blinders on, then you don't have to question yourself or learn anything.

I'd be happy to tell the world to fuck right off and give up that responsibility. Also, comic books are a poor source for policy and philosophy.

Have you even looked at that case?

We are actually the best at this.

Mah pal was innercent but he got fuked by the dum lawyer. That weren't never his weed no how.

You know a television and movie representation of the system. I don't have time or energy to educate you. I suggest you worry less about us and more about you.

Easist thing for a guilty person to do is blame the lawyer. The story is bullshit. 

Either way you are better off here. Poverty is the most significant determining factor of outcomes in every aspect of life in every part of the world. Even poor, you are better off here.

This was an unfortunately glib and ignorant comment.

The world is happy for us to foot the bill for their security, and always happy to bash us for what they ask us to do.