
These are all loaded terms, and the issues are complex. California is experiencing substantial increases in “non violent” crimes like smash and grab car theft because it has been releasing such offenders in massive numbers. I’d still rather be accused of a crime here than just about anywhere else.

Somehow, I suspect we are getting only one extremely self serving side of the story.

Japan is more efficient. The people just kill themselves and save the government the trouble.

Sue them for what? Him not having a backbone? This sounds like the story of every guilty person.

All human systems are flawed. Perspective is important. So far, the US is about the best you are going to get, even with its flaws. We should always strive to improve, but we should also acknowledge where we are.

Yep. If you are accused of a crime, despite all of our flaws, you are better off here than just about anywhere else 

A 99.9% conviction rate is facism on its face. Stop defending the indefensible. CITE YOUR CLAIMS. Silly.

There is no racism in Europe. Just ask the GMG commentariat and writers. The US is the worst place in the world.

I have actually worked as a public defender, so I have a wee bit more knowledge than you. Your friend should not have pled guilty if he wasn’t guilty. Funny how 90% of guilty pleas are by innocent people....I am skeptical of your tale.

The 99.9% conviction rate and total lack of due process. The fact that you even ask betrays your ignorance.

There is no due process. It is a Minority Report world where law enforcement is presumed infallible.

Everyone loves to bash the US justice system, while ignoring how much worse it is in places like Japan.

Union quality work.

Ah, projection. The mother of marketing success.

Everything they all do is for publicity 

Obviously, I want Drew to get better, but let's not pretend that at this point you couldn't replace him with a Simmons SchtickBot 5000 and no one would notice.

This BMW will fly under the Toyota Gazoo Racing banner, which was used for all sorts of Toyota cars in the World Rally Championship, the World Endurance Championship and other series. Now it is used to promote rebadged cars cynically marketed to consumers under a nostalgic model name.

Vegas offered them a pile of money and a state of the art stadium. Oakland offers them a shithole stadium in the middle of a hellhole in a market they have to share.

Only if the protesters refuse to vote, and the only substantive accomplishment of the protest was a lucrative sneaker contract.

Stigmata lube?