
When the fuck did a 60 month car loan become “reasonable”?

Elizabeth Warren is a phony, no mater what her ethnicity is.  She has co-opted Native American identity despite being a blonde white woman who has absolutely no connection to her “heritage” if it even existed in the first place.  She is also a multimillionare socialist, whose income has only increased with her embrace

God forbid she have an opinion that you disagree with. How dare she.

How about just celebrity relationships don’t last.  There is nothing complicated here.  Relationships between narcissistic people rarely last.

It’s ok, because she has a face like a crumpled up garbage bag.

Thank you for proving my point.

Fuck New York. That is all.

“Magic Kingdom?" When it comes to cars, that is California my friend. 

As wrong as Colin Kaepernick when he tells people not to vote?

The only realistic destination is the Lakers because LeBron.

Like saying that they and their families, including their children, should be harassed in public.

It should be fairly self-evident that the modern left demands strict compliance with the platform; dissenters or, god forbid, conservatives, are branded as Nazis who should be beaten and spat upon at every opportunity. I had assumed that this was intentional and obvious to all.

You reaally could not be any more stupid if you tried. Christ. You just proved my point completely. Thanks....I guess.

I find it hilarious how quickly left wing women deny other women their basic humanity for the crime of not believing the same things they do.

You don't want redemption, you want revenge.

Using the word “violence” for actions that are repellent but not violent (Louis CK) diminishes actual violence.

The Bay Area is an awful place. 

The left is full of hypocites. Their socialist leaders are multimillionaire capitalists. It is all a lie.