
These scooters are the worst idea ever and should be banned

Any stunt in that movie is better than every stunt in every other movie.

Why isn't Asia Argento on the list?

Now playing

Hannah Gadsby has taught us that what modern audiences really want from comedy is for it to not be funny.

It is weird that the Vanity Fair article goes out of its way to avoid the creepy implications of a man in his 30s taking on a teenage girl as a confidante and muse, and then cutting her out of his life when she started dating a boy her own age. That warm profile of Hughes, along with his work (National Lampoon was

It looks like a turd left out in the sun. I'm gonna go with a hunch and say CP.

Europe does not have a strong tradition of civil rights.

“Seeing how poorly they tend to hold up, I think Porsche must have made them out of grandma elbows and Religious Studies college degrees.”

The problem is that people are numb to apocalyptic propaganda by now.

Kavanaugh should absolutely be condemned for providing career opportunities to women. Shame on him.

And other than the cat, nothing of value was lost.

I am relieved that women of color are so more inherently suited to power.

Not a Toyota. Not a Supra.

But the fact remains that over 70 percent of the cases overturned by DNA evidence were rape convictions based on victim ID. This, combined with the inherent fallibility of memory renders decades old allegations unactionable.

Exhaustion and stupidity are not the same thing.

Except that California is a living example of the failure of left-wing policy. It is the wealthiest state with the poorest people, and the people hurt the worst are POC. 

Oh, god, shut up

You sound like fun

This might be the dumbest thing any person has ever said.