
And you managed to be just as insufferable as the original comment. Congrats. Maybe you should be less invested in celebrities.

Celebrity apologies are trivial and stupid. There is absolutely no point.

The Rundown is highly underrated.

I hear tell that drives the ladies wild!

You could not be more wrong. I have allowed people to even let their kids sit and play in my car ar car shows, but you damn well better ask.

You can get a new title, but this is very suspicious

Don't blame Davis for taking the money, blame the people who gave it to him.

Oakland actually screwed the Raiders. They never delivered on the stadium, and the second round of renovations was intended to correct the first failure to avoid litigation. I don’t believe in publicly funded stadiums, but the Raiders have every reason to leave. The Coliseum is awful and in a terrible area. Vegas

If there is not enough demand for newspapers to survive, then they don't deserve to live. 

Let it die. The collapse of print is not a tragedy, and maybe we can finally dispense with the idea of "journalism" being some lofty pursuit. 

She isn’t all that good, and she used up what she had in the well.

Never give to GoFundMe.

Yes, because the fact that Kesha lied makes her a liar, and therefore less credible.  There is a reason everything in this case keeps going against her.  The longer it goes on, the less credible that she becomes. 

If you think this simplistic, repetitive, lightweight, unoriginal nonsense is comparable to Seuss or Kipling then you are truly lost.

For $500 I will buy it and try to break it.

Because these are simplisitic archetypes thrown together to tell lightweight, simple stories for children and mass consumption.  It takes no vision to do that, no matter how appealing the product might be.

I am not even saying that Wonder Woman was all that good. But Black Panther was a weak movie that hit at the right moment. Like when Crash won best picture.