
As the father of two sons, allow me to endorse the patriarchy.

Is there anyone who does not suspect Musk has a sunstance abuse problem?

Black Panther was among the worst of the Marvel films. My 14 year old walked out, bored.

Funny....when the ax came for Curt Schilling, this place celebrated. At least this place is consistently htpocritical.

The boss was courteous. This guy is an asshole. He got fired for fucking around on company time. It is also shitty to record people against their will.


It really doesn't

You forgot to mention the awful CGI

Black Panther was a middling comic book movie with terrible special effects.

It will win as Hollywood falls all over itself to prove how not racist it is.

It was actually quite mediocre, with painfully bad CGI.

A black guy named White called a guy the N word. My head hurts.

How many actors who played a beloved high concept character in a sitcom went on to do anything else? Not many.

This will also mark the end of Jim Parsons' career as an actor. Adios, Jim.

No. I lack the self control to refrain from attempting to educate the ignorant. You are right on this one point: you are to stupid for this to have any point. Good luck. 

He wasn’t impeached dummy. I never said impeaching Nixon hurt the country, because it didn’t happen. This is much more like the destructive and pointless Clinton impeachment, over politically motivated minor bullshit with zero possibility that the president will actually be removed from office. Trump is in no legal

Nixon was not impeached he resigned. Ford's pardon remains a remarkable act of policital courage.

This is absolutely a witch hunt.  They wanted him impeached before he even took office.  I didn’t vote for Trump, but this is a waste of time and money that is hurting the country, and will come back to bite some future President who you like a lot more than Trump.

If you see Clinton’s impeachment as anything other than a stupid waste of time that hurt the country, then you are too dumb to talk to.

Dershowitz is an idiot