
Clinton’s perjury was the denial of wrongdoing in a civil deposition when defending a lawsuit from Paula Jones, a type of perjury that happens every day and is virtually never acted upon. The entire thing was politically motivated horseshit that did not justify removing the president from office. Politically motivated

Failing to report is not the accusation here, and is what Obama did without anyone caring. How about you point to a statute that says this is a crime?

Read The Nation. Russian interference is a red herring. Clinton should not have been impeached. It was needlessly destructive to the country. If you think otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant. Impeachment is only for the worst sort of misconduct. Not all crimes - high crimes.

1) It is not at all clear that there is a campaign finance violation. Go look up what Dershowitz has to say on this subject. It was the weakest part of the case against Cohen, and they got him to plead to it by cutting him a deal on the non-Trump related stuff where they had him dead to rights. It is not illegal to

Lena Dunham can sink any ship.

I thought he brought back the ones we remember fondly.

If it was wrong to do to Clinton, it is wrong to do to Trump. The one thing that Trump is right about is that this is not an objective investigation. It is a politically motivated effort to undo the 2016 election. That is far more destructive than anything Trump might do.

Was Quentin not there when we all agreed we were done with her?

I still don't understand why "rich guy pays prostitute to keep her mouth shut" is a thing anyone cares about.

This was never about masculinity. It was always about power.

Old man can barely handle Facebook.

Quick, send all the tire kickers and low ballers to Boise, stat! He doesn not know what he has!

It might be a case about lies, but it isn’t a case about collusion between the President and Russia.

I would suffer anything to spare my kids that kind of pain.

Good post. No Puff. :(

This is a good day on Jalopnik.

I liked this post, David. Jalop needs more of this kind of thing.

Fake money is a bad investment. Whoda thunk it?

So glad that you have built a system of checks and balances for when you pass judgment on people.