
It does not sound credible that he randomly called her to insult her the day after her birthday. It sounds made up to get attention.

Why are you so convinced Kesha is telling the truth? This is a messy case. She has credibility problems. She has consistently lost in court since this ordeal began. People do not always tell the truth, especially when there is a lot of money at stake.

Could it be that the death of print is not the death of journalism? 

But Trump is Hitler!

You are really worked up. It's ok, man, none of it really means anything. Breathe.

Why so invested in comments made by a stranger? Odd. I plan on having a fantastic day, thanks. I hope yours gets better.

That has worked well so far. It worked with Hitler too, Mr. Chamberlain.

By the way, you are really emotionally wound up. You may need medication if you have this much investment in strangers on the Internet. I really hope you get the help you need.

Oh no, I had a typo. Whatever shall I do?

Or worse.

Thankfully. Because people like me believe in a world where “they” don’t get to control reproductive rights. Go back to the Reich, Nazi.

“A/C just needs a charge.” - Every guy selling a car with hopelessly borked A/C ever

If you are too ignorant to see China for what they are, no source can help you, dear.

Now playing

Trump stole the clean coal joke from Obama. Everyone just forgot while annointing him for sainthood.

Project much?

I made no comment about tariffs, just the hypocrisy of people who scream about facism taking the side of the world's most powerful totalitarian nation.  It's ok to be stupid. We accommodate folks like you. 

This is simply a way to look at us through a negative lens. China is an environmentsl disaster, and you are bending over backwards to try and make us worse by including 19th Century Coal burning and 20th century pre-environmental science releases.

“slightly breathable air”

It’so cool and rare that I am tired of paying for all these repairs.