
Not being able to get a cake where you want to is not injustice, it is inconvenience.

The Court never ruled on the religious freedom issue. They remanded the case due to bias by the state. Educate yourself.

This is stupid and malicious. The guy may have retrograde beliefs, but it isn’t like he is refusing people medical treatments. They're just cakes, man.

A) I hate Saabs.


If you think leftist policy will safe the world, look at SF. Wealthy and liberal, but an utter disaster.

My favorite cliche is any Magary column. Note: Did not read column. Just headline, then came to post this. Magary and Simmons should move in together.

Could be. I am now frightened that you know how tall I am.

Aw, gee, you sure got me there. You really are as smart as you seem.

The nice thing about being an enthusiast is that I can share that feeling of loving a car with you, even if we don't love the same car. It's the same smile.

Perhaps you are just a dummy.

I am sure he is a very progressive leader of a retrograde fundamentalist monarchy. Fuck Saudi Arabia. They are the biggest financial supporters of terrorism in the world, and we should have attacked them instead of Iraq. Every penny they make means more Islamic fundamentalism and terror, and Musk wants to be a part of

Autoerotic asphyxiation is always tragic.

I love it when people disavow being mawkish and narcissistic while being mawkish and narcissistic.