
Be that as it may, Trump remains a low level villian compared to Bush. It is like the difference between some random Juggalo getting tanked and going on a rampage and a Mafia don executing on a long term business plan. Compares to the Bush family, the Trumps are trailer trash nouveau riche.

How will the Cult of Musk react to him getting in bed with the Saudis?

Were you on acid when you wrote this?

NYC is not really the measure of typical car ownership profiles.

But this feeling can come from any car you love. 

The fact that tou use terms like “Muslim ban,” “kiddie koncentration kamps,” and “Muslim ban” shows you are more interested in propaganda than an objective discussion. I find it strange that people so utterly lose their shit over Trump when, for all of his problems, he can’t come close to the worst of our presidents.

I showed you facts showing that Bush did far more tangible harm in his first 2 years than Trump in his first two years and you spout trite propaganda and accuse me of supporting Trump. I did nothing of the sort - I am just pointing out that he is not the boogeyman you want him to be. We have had far worse in recent

Most of that is noise and propaganda that is largely without substance. The detention of kids started with Obama. Bush started 2 wars, signed the most facist bill in US history, the most comprehensive legislative destruction of public educationx and steered our economy into one of the worst recessions in history.

Ignore the shit that doesn't matter. And the "struggle" is imaginary.

African-Americans didn't figure out to vote at all. 

I finally see why your family doesn’t like you.  You are really boring.

Blameless for what? What terrible thing has he wrought in the last 2 years? He isn’t a particularly good president, but the amount of frothing at the mouth he inspires is ludicrous.

You are clearly a fool to make this statement. 

This is meaningless drama.

A) You are being overly dramatic because Trump makes people crazy.

Trump won the same percentage of the white vote as Romney did against Obama. He won because HRC did not get the black and hispanic votes that Obama did.

MLK was using civil disobedience and peaceful protest against legal oppression at the hands of the government. They were standing up to power, not running up and punching people in the face for being assholes. Last time I checked, MLK was pretty strongly against punching people in the face in general. I never saw him

Shouldn’t you be working on your happiness? Maybe start with repairing relations with your family. It would be more prodictive than swooning over pop songs and hollering at strangers on the Internet.  Really, man, this is not the way to go.