
I’m gonna bet that there’s roughly a 5% chance you’ve ever even spoken to a Mexican or a Muslim.

Last week, I thought it might be nice to reach out to the Breitbart commenters and try to have a civil conversation with them. After all, we’re all humans... there must be some common ground there, right?

I have no problem with Fox pre-recording that portion of the show, but what was the point of Strahan saying, when they cut back to the broadcast after the commercial, “Wow, you know it’s gonna be something when the roof is closed for the game but they open it for halftime!” Just don’t say anything, you phony fucks.

I don’t see that option. You sure it’s still there? If so, maybe only select people have the option?

Not gonna argue your list of Pros, but Play Music has one giant Con which prevents me from using it... Their song rating system sucks.

Hey, I live in Savannah! Brendan, who’s your friend? Given the size of Savannah, there’s roughly an 80% chance I know him or someone who knows him.

Yeah, no. That guy’s a pussy. No matter how annoying the girl likely was, Mixon went far, far beyond what’s acceptable. He was not within his rights to act like that.

I don’t own an actual camera. Have never really needed one. But I do have a copy of Photoshop, which I use almost every day for creating web graphics... FYI: A Creative Cloud membership costs, like, $20/mo.

Do we really need a special website to subtract 6, 7.5 or 9 hours from the time you need to wake up? I mean, it’s basic math, people.


If I had 12,000 pumpkin pies delivered to your house, you’d say, “Geez, thanks a lot of fucking pumpkin pies. What the hell am I supposed to do with all of these?”

The day I realized you could buy condoms on Amazon was a game-changer for me. No longer did I have to go to the CVS down the street and buy random stuff just to make it seem like I wasn’t only there for condoms. I mean, in most cases, that random stuff was a case of PBR and a bag of Chex Mix, so it’s not like it went

If you don’t want the CEO of Starbuck’s to be worth billions, then stop going to Starbuck’s.

Look, I get it... Rich people are mostly awful and we hate them and whatever. But if this guy were to flat-out give away his money equally to each and every one of the 50 million poor people in the country, that would be $56 per person. How is that helpful exactly?

Let me guess... you don’t have kids, a job you need to wake up early for, or any real responsibilities? Because when I was younger and didn’t have other shit to worry about, I might have said the same thing. But now that I’m older and my free time is shorter and much more valuable, the last thing I want to do is stay

Spec Ops: The Line was the worst offender that I’ve played. The multi-player mode was fine, but stood in such stark contrast to it’s “war is hell and will break a soldier’s psyche” single-player storyline.

I almost always play as a female in games where I’m given the option. I just figure, if I’m going to be staring at the ass of a character for 100+ hours, I’d like for it to be a female ass. Does that make me weird?

You know what I enjoy? Putting on a game a few minutes before kickoff, relaxing and watching each and every play of the game with minimal effort on my part. Ever been able to do that with one of those streams? Me neither.

I’m no expert in the metric system, but I’m pretty sure 1 meter is, like, 13 inches. The sub I ate for dinner was bigger than that. We’ll be fine.

Regarding rising sea levels, your NY illustration shows how the city will look if sea levels rise 60 meters, not how they’ll look in sixty years. If sea levels rise 1m per year for the next sixty years, we’re all fucked, regardless of where we live.