
Now that’s some offensive rebounding!

I am waiting to see his response to the Dallas Cowboys who sat for the second half last night.

You guys make money from sponsored posts. He’s describing a sponsored post, just one that is illegal for not following FTC rules (and is unethical), so real answer is that is in part how websites make money, but they have to follow certain rules, which The Ringer is not doing. (Or would not be doing if the scenario

Bernie Sanders was running for office the entirety of that chart, stupid.

I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and

Oh great, jellyfish have learned how to post internet comments.

Should have gone with a really young team with future stars:

What kind of psychopath bites directly into the middle of the thing and not a corner???

In terms of shitty announcers no one and I mean no one will top Dennis Miller. I could live with Dierdorf, I even heard Maas call a few games (Damn you Directv) and yes Matt Millen. Shit we all listen to Troy Aikman give us such wonderful insights like “you’re so right Joe” every fucking week. But Miller is in a class

What you're suggesting is inhumane! There's gotta be something I could use other than beer!

Here is why soccer will never take off in America: it's fans are hypersensitive to anyone disparaging the love of their life. Relax man. Soccer is a sport that is verifiably not very popular in the US and then we get intense coverage of it for a month every 4 years. Soccer is also a game that has flaws that are

Punishment for diving should be: one slap to the face of the diver by a member of the opposing team.

Who gives a shit? Why does he have to have a nickname? "Slim Reaper" is dumb, as is "The Servant." I wish he had said, "To be honest, I don't want to have a nickname. When I eviscerate your team, I don't want there to be any question who did it. When the question is asked, 'who is the best player in the league,' I