
People love potential. Sometimes more often than actual results. It’s why fans clamor for backup quarterbacks and it’s why the Eagles subreddit is full of people who think Chip Kelly is a brilliant football mind who got a raw deal, despite all actual evidence pointing to the contrary.

Does Tom Ley talk like a dipshit in real life too?

Here’s my revised top two...

Cool. See everyone on Monday!

I know. And I actually own the recent Civilization games on PC (thanks, Humble Bundle!). I just never bother to play them. Personal preference.

I know... I got played Diablo 3 on the PS3. Loved it. Didn’t feel like re-buying it for the PS4, though. Never got around to playing Sacred 2. But all in all, the action RPG landscape on consoles is rather lackluster. I just wish there were more options is all. It’s a genre I really enjoy.

I wish any of these would make it to consoles. I don’t like playing games on my PC.

Counterpoint: On The Road is a poorly-written book about some truly despicable people.



This comments section, in which everyone describes their own unique sleep habits in detail, is utterly fascinating. My favorite stories are the ones in which someone almost overslept, but didn’t. Incredible.

What is a laughing matter these days? Seems like nothing.

This is the second article I’ve read so far this morning telling me how great the Echo is. When Amazon was bribing publishers to write stuff like this, they probably should’ve told everyone to space out their articles a bit more.

So this new review format requires me to read 2,000 words to know if a game is any good, huh? Hmmmph. That’s kind of a pain. I guess that’s why scores were invented in the first place.

This appears to be the net he’s dunking in, no?

Jesus Christ was not a real person, but rather a mythological hybrid conjured up more than 100 years after his supposed death by individuals who needed a figurehead to promote their new religion.

I only made it through the first ten episodes of Gotham before I bailed out. The fact that a show about Batman could be so damn boring is truly a remarkable feat.

If you like unintelligible stories and running back and forth along the same road over and over and over again, you’ll love this game.

“Brilliant offensive scheming?” What team were you watching?

And the receding hairline. Don’t forget about that.