
In all fairness, the guy on that stretcher probably only had a pulled hamstring. Everyone carrying him is thinking to themselves, “What a pussy.”

Dragon Age is better than Destiny.

Hey ESPN... I will never, ever play fantasy football on Draftkings, and no amount of Cynthia Frelund Sportscenter appearances or shitty “Here’s how much Peyton Manning is worth on Draftkings” articles will ever change my mind about that. Fuck off.

Oh, the Pirates played last night? That’s cool.

There are billiards fans?

I’m standing outside, sometimes in my childhood backyard, and sometimes completely random, like on an imaginary dock overlooking a lake. A plane comes flying overhead. Except then I realize that there’s something wrong with it... a broken wing, or smoke coming out of the engines, or whatever. I watch as the plane

So we’re not allowed to care about players cheating anymore? Just out of curiosity, as a sports fan, what am I allowed to care about that won’t end up getting mocked on Deadspin? I can understand picking-and-choosing your battles, and maybe this battle is silly in your opinion, but it’s still something that sports

Yeah, I don’t know why you insist on putting down this game, Patricia. What have you ever done that’s so special?

At first I was going to make fun of Daredevil for not being able to make his horns level. Then I remembered that he’s blind, and that this is probably a fairly accurate representation of what his costume would actuall look like.

Vanderbilt Football: Like It Or Not, We’re Gonna Pound It Into Your End Zone!

I can’t help but question the “intelligent” portion of that statement.

Yeah. The movie ends up having some glaring inaccuracies that make it apparent that it was written by someone who really doesn’t watch much football.

Your comment made me think of sex.

I like Fireball. Sorry?

Ruben Amaro Jr.

The majority of Americans have decided, based on attendance figures and television ratings, that they’re not particularly interested in tennis and soccer. If you like these sports, that’s fantastic! Everyone needs a hobby. But you’re in the minority. It’s okay to admit that.

Benoit’s comments were dumb because he’s a sportswriter and he should know better than to say shit like that. They weren’t dumb because they’re wrong. When the best defense is, “But women’s soccer and tennis are just as good as their horribly-boring male counterparts,” then women’s sports suck. They just do. And for

So quit, Ruben. Because it’s only gonna get worse.

Bummer. Why didn’t they just combine the post-apocalyptic open world of Fallout 3 with the fighting of Arkham City, the nemesis system of Shadow of Mordor, the racing of Burnout Paradise and the vehicle customization of Gran Turismo 5? Seems simple enough to me.