
How many people lost their jobs when Deadspin lost three million unique visitors in March? Geez, what the hell happened there?

What a bummer that must be to work your way up the corporate ladder, to the level where you’re someone’s boss... and even then, all you can afford is a $16,000 Scion.

For me, I loved Simmons’ writing when I was 21 and in college and had nothing but free time to read his columns. Part of me aspired to be a writer, and I thought his style was fun and engaging and, aside from his Boston upbringing, his interests roughly aligned with mine.

Shut up, Ruben Amaro. Why do you have to ruin everything?

God, that sandwich looks so good.

Speaking of giant wasps, I was cleaning up the yard or something one afternoon last summer when I heard a cicada go buzzing past me. I looked up and, just as I spotted it, a giant wasp came swooping down from above, grabbed onto the cicada and TOOK THAT MOTHERFUCKER DOWN. Like a scene from a Michael Bay movie, the two

Send me the link to that communications coordinator job. I can do all of that stuff.

After I had a couple of negative reviews of a past employer removed from Glassdoor (my first version may have been too specific, but my second version was as innocent as can be), I stopped trusting their reviews.

Another phrase to be wary of: “Some sales may be required.”

Reading this article gave me an erection.

That excerpt got me excited. For a second, I thought maybe there was a Harold Arceneaux sighting. And that perhaps that the journalist had just misspelled his last name. Alas, it was not to be.

Possible dumb question from someone who hasn’t ordered PPV since Wrestlemania X... I don’t need to be a subscriber of HBO or Showtime to get this, right? And if I have Comcast digital cable, can I just order via the OnDemand menu?

Pabst Blue Ribbon: My go-to beer.

Look, I get that the term "retarded" can potentially be mildly offensive. So I understand where you're coming from. But let's be honest here... it's not the "N word" or anything. It's a word that most people grew up using to make fun of their stupid friends, not actual retarded people.

Wordpress > Kinja

There wasn't enough milk in his smoothies, I guess.

I think it's entirely possible that, thanks to Kelly's offseason training regimen, guys like Bradford and Mathews could conceivably make it through the season healthier than they ever have before.

The Eagles beat in the Colts in IND last year. And sure, flukey things happen, but those teams seemed fairly evenly matched talent-wise. Perhaps not so much anymore, though, thanks to Chip Kelly's depressing gutting of the Eagles.

Any idiot can tear down an NBA team. And in the case of the Sixers, there obviously wasn't much to tear down. But a good GM is also capable of building a winning team in as few years as possible (3-5 seems reasonable to me). Is Hinkie capable of building a winning team? No one fucking knows, because he's made no

I hate my hometown Sixers. I was on board with the tanking until today. But trading away a good young PG (for a high draft pick, but those don't always pan out) and a good young role player (for basically nothing) makes no sense. GM Sam Hinkie wants to paint himself as the architect of a future dynasty, but if he were