
I've never felt dumber than when attempting to figure out how to write Android apps. I felt like I would have to take a few months off from work to study up and truly get the hang of it. So I gave up on the idea completely. Godspeed to all of you who are more committed to the pursuit than I...

I really don't understand the appeal of PS Now in its current "rent a bunch of old games that you could buy for the same price" state. From a technological standpoint, is there any reason Sony couldn't set a flat monthly price and let users play any games they want, for as long as they'd like? Because that's the only

I tried to follow this helpful advice for a presentation I did this morning. Now I'm just known as Sales Guy with a Boner. Thanks, Lifehacker! :(

I live in the South. It was 137 degrees outside over the weekend. If you were to wear pants in such weather, Greg Howard, you'd be a goddamn idiot. And most assuredly, not "cool."

I never watched True Blood, so I can't speak to the final episode's quality... but in the internet age, is it even possible to end a long-running TV show without at least a few people saying stuff like, "That was garbage! How dare they end the series on such an awful note?!?" I feel like, no matter how good a finale

"...unable to engage in and attend to all daily activities, pursuits and pleasure associated with (her)person..."

I purchased this for the PS3 and beat it twice with a monk. Really enjoyed it and would love to try out the expansion, but if I buy the PS4 version, would I be starting from scratch? Or does my progress carry over?

"Don't think, just buy."

That's the most idiotic thing I've ever read. Just because a shitty government decides that some random action is illegal doesn't necessarily make it wrong. Governments can outlaw anything they want. The citizens need to stand up for themselves and determine whether those laws are in their best interest. People like

Serious question... what's a "rape GIF"? I'd google it, but nothing good can come of that.

When was the last time you pooped yourself?

I'm a man. I like sports. In my life, there has not been a single female sports commentator or broadcaster that I've enjoyed watching or listening to. Does that immediately make me sexist?

What I honestly think Stephen A. Smith is trying to say: "Ladies, if a man even starts to get violent with you, you need to get away from him immediately. Even if he apologizes, it will never only be a one-time thing, and you need to realize that and find someone who isn't going to hit you. Ever. Because if you stay

So majestic.

I think the important thing we all need to focus on here is just how much Patricia Hernandez sucks. I mean, she's just the fucking worst. A pompous, self-important hack blogger who somehow manages to be wrong on pretty much everything.

As someone who just updated to the newest version of Emulation Station last night, I second this... Two things that could be added to that article (because they gave me trouble when I was doing my first setup): How to expand the filesystem so that the full SD card can be used, and how to change the regional layout of

You must really love talking to people. Good for you, but the process that you just described sounds like utter torture to a cynical introvert like myself.

The giraffes in The Last of Us. That game was just such a brutal slog that I wanted to stay in that solitary peaceful moment forever.

I would never think of slandering your family. They're obviously patient, good-hearted people for putting up with your whiny bullshit for however long you've been alive. I'd like to nominate all of your immediate relatives for sainthood, because I would've kicked your blowhardy ass years ago.

Sorry if you took offense at my little joke. If nothing else, soccer fans do seem to be a very sensitive bunch. Much like the flopping players, I suppose.