
Don't reward anyone. We have the benefit of instant replay. Suspend anyone who takes an obvious dive. It's not hard to spot... I see about five instances per game.

I'm admittedly only a bandwagon soccer fan. When the World Cup rolls around, I half-heartedly pay attention. Otherwise, I stick to real sports. But every four years, the thing that infuriates me most is the flopping. It's gotten to the point where I'm legitimately embarrased for these athletes. So now that a guy like

What the fuck? Am I the only one who assumed there would just be a monthly fee that would enable one to play all available games?

This game does indeed look nice and sound promising, but does anyone know what the actual "game" is? I mean, is it just about flying around and discovering dinosaurs? Sounds like that might get a tad boring after a while.

That mouse looks like something the Terminator would shit out.

That mouse looks like something the Terminator would shit out.

Also known as the Japanese Masturbation Chamber.

Does Kim Kardashian not remember how she rose to fame and fortune? I'm pretty sure that Apple doesn't allow games like that to be sold in the App Store.

He'll never have to buy himself a drink in America? I think you're seriously overestimating how much the average person in America cares about soccer (and their ability to recognize anyone from the 2014 World Cup team).

I honestly can't tell if these commenters who are so excited by short demo videos are simply dumb, over-zealous kids who are wowed by pretty pictures, or Sony/Microsoft employees desperately trying to drum up excitement by saying inane nonsense like, "Now there's no reason AT ALL to not run out and buy a PS4 RIGHT

None of them have actually been released. To me, that's a pretty good reason. In this day and age, any game can look amazing. Playing well is another matter entirely.

Very eloquently stated. I stand corrected.

Oddly, the "Why Game Developers Keep Getting Laid" article has never been written.

Very well, then. Carry on.

Why would anyone pre-order something based solely upon a trailer? How do you know that the gameplay will look anything like this? What makes you think that this game will be any good, unlike the scores of crappy LOTR games that have come before? How do you know this won't get delayed until 2015, like so many other

Your usage of the term "peak level" indicates that you haven't seen the Mets play in recent years.

If this isn't a current gen reboot of Chakan: The Forever Man, then someone should really get to work on that. Because that game was great.

Knack? Who the fuck can't spell knakc?

With Watch Dogs landing with an audible "bleh," my eventual purchase of a PS4 now appears to be delayed until at least October 7th (for Dragon Age: Inquisition). I can't recall the last time I was determined to spend $400, but couldn't come up with a single reason to do so.

I imagine that eBay deal for the PS4 will be a lot more popular once they start releasing games for that system.

A gutsy call, especially now that they're only six wins from a title and have looked utterly dominant.