
Finally... someone I'm probably better than at first-person shooters.

"Awesome! I've been waiting for Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on Blu-ray to go on sale!" -No one.

Trust me, there's plenty wrong with teenage kids.

If you're not into the idea of virtual reality, that's cool. That's just a matter of personal preference. But the envelope needs to be pushed, because that's what we as a culture do. We look at the world around us and wonder, "What can we do to make this better?" We're going to see just how immersive we can get, and

That would make sense. But then why write "we've found a pair of good deals"? It makes it sound like they were scouring the internet for air purifier sales.

I'd love to know how you just happened to find good deals on air purifiers today. Is this something you keep tabs on? Do you run a daily search for "air purifiers" on Amazon? I'm 34 and have never once searched for nor had the need for an air purifier. Is this something that a lot of people are looking for?

Serious question... How much is the "I'd prefer to not look ridiculous" factor going to limit VR?

Oh, thank god. Maybe I'm alone here, but posts containing a bunch of pictures of lonely, frumpy adults dressed up as superheroes are/were my least favorite thing on this site.

For a second, I thought this was the men's USA-Canada game. There really should've been a "No big deal, this was just the women's game" disclaimer on this article.

For a team that looks like it's made up entirely of guys who are 7'6", those aliens sure play some shitty interior defense.

If you change your mind about doing printed copies, check out

Sherman can say what he wants. I, for one, love the rare entertaining post-game interview. But the taunting of Crabtree after the play was what seemed a bit douchebaggy to me. You kind of forgot to mention that part.

Two bucks a drink? Go fuck yourself. You apparently don't drink as many beers as I do in an average evening out on the town. I hate to sound like a douchebag, but if bartenders have a problem with my 25-35% tip for doing nothing but opening cans of PBR, they need to find a better job.

Because it is there.

You think the garlic is magic? You've obviously never had their cheese sauce.

You know what the worst part of PS+ is? When they give away a game that you just paid for a month or so earlier. I enjoyed my time with Bioshock Infinite over the past few weeks, but I would've enjoyed it even more if I hadn't spent $20 on it.

Chances are, each and every male Deadspin commenter could, in theory, be convicted of sodomy (with the possible exception of Will Leitch). Because by definition, sodomy is just the act of putting your genitals in contact with the mouth or anus of another, even if it's done between a husband and a wife. It's a bullshit

That's weird... only one Patricia Hernandez story?

Honestly, if I tried to keep chips or cookies in the pantry, I'd just end up eating them before I had a chance to serve them to guests. So in lieu of food, I just give people cash when them come over. Not a lot, mind you — a five here, a ten there — pretty much just whatever I have in my wallet at the time. I find

In post-apocalyptic future Boston, are residents still whining about the 2008 Super Bowl?