
I think you're just being overly nostalgic, dude. No one under the age of 30 wants to play that old, pixelated shit. The new version looks better.

"Videos are neat." –No one who works in an office and just wants to quickly skim through an article without having to put in headphones and waste four minutes of their day

Anyone know if those Seiki TVs are any good?

So let me get this straight... you're telling me that shopping at Whole Foods and making fancy homemade cheese (even with your bizarre guerilla math which says a tablespoon of mustard costs $7.69) are expensive? Good thing I was sitting down for that news.

Fascinating. I'll alert the media.

"How to Steal Pageviews from Sites Like GameFAQS."

The new version of Flower takes what was so great about the original — the music, the grace, the zen-like feeling of exploration — and adds even more excitement. More guns, more explosions, and even a multiplayer arena in which you and a friend can take your custom online flowers and engage in an UTTERLY INSANE battle

It's probably one of those hyperminimalist offices.

Again with the "getting hit by a car" joke, Burnecko? Do you just use that in every post now? If you don't have more than one joke, it's probably best to not try to be funny at all. Because at the moment, you have less comedic range than Gallagher.

Those graphics are mind-blowing. Are we sure that the PS4 can even handle them? I don't want to buy a brand new console and then have it burst into flames trying to render this game.

Please tell me your work doesn't remotely involve graphic design.

Tablets are awesome. You should buy two of them.

I was finally able to login smoothly last night and do a few of the early missions. Finished 2nd in the race, delivered some drugs to a guy, bought new clothes, ran down some police officers who were pursuing another player, robbed a store. But after that, while I was cruising around on my motorcycle, minding my own

To Trollhorn and awa88... you guys sound like a couple of party animals. People must love having the two of you around.

Raise your hand if — like me — you just added Sprite to your shopping list for this weekend.

If that is your idea of one, you may not be entirely clear on the meaning of the word "joke."

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Inspiring weird, confused erections since 2001.

I like SMS Popup for this.

When skimming through my hundreds of unread stories in Feedly, I landed upon this one. And here was the trainwreck of a first sentence that I read in this article's preview (you know, the one that would normally convince people to read the full story)...