
As an Eagles fan, I'm curious... how well is the Chip Kelly offensive playbook implemented?

I purchased this game only for Amazon's NFL Sunday Ticket offer.

Yeah, the average fantasy football draft is pretty much exactly like Farmville, except with more pork.

"You'll Pay a Monthly Fee to Play The Elder Scrolls Online"

Probably had the most fun playing NHL '95. Probably spent the most time playing Civilization 2. Probably was most impressed by Final Fantasy 7.

Actually... "For fans unable to receive DirecTV service, each Madden NFL 25 Anniversary Edition will include a unique code to access the 2013 regular season (17 weeks) of NFL Sunday Ticket on computers, tablets, and mobile devices- including access to the award-winning Red Zone Channel."

Clicking on, reading and then commenting on articles related to subjects you have no interest in must really get exhausting after a while. I'm glad I'm not a colossal tool like you... I would never be able to find the time to tell everyone about stuff I don't like!

At least I don't have a helium balloon attached to my head while doing so.

Or you could just do something productive with your time instead.

I'm 6'3". You and your ridiculous diagram up at the top there — with all that hypothetical leg room and shit — can fuck off. Planes are nothing more than elaborate torture devices to people like me. Properly angling my laptop is not even an option.

When talking about the PS4 launch titles, it's pretty much Watch Dogs (which, while sounding promising, isn't overly exciting) and then everything else, right? Knack might be fine and good, but is anyone truly excited to play it? And is anyone who already has a PS3 of an Xbox360 really thrilled about the thought of

Yuengling on tap > Yuengling in a bottle

That guys runs like he has a turd in his pants. I never played that game... Is that intentional? Is he an outcast due to his lack of bodily control?

If you're like me and you get a 64gb SD card with the intent of copying over your vast collection of roms, you'll need to do one additional step that I didn't see listed above (unless I just missed it): From the terminal, type in "sudo raspi-config" and, in the menu that pops up, choose the first option to expand the

I thought we all collectively determined that these tweets were fake last time Kimmel did this. It doesn't mean that they're not funny, but it would be nice if they were legitimate.

The lack of Spinal Tap references in this article is an outrage.

I went to bed last night and laid awake for twenty minutes wondering if I'd remembered to lock the front door. I finally went downstairs and, sure enough, it was locked. Is there any way to automate the locking of a deadbolt (preferably without spending a ton of money)?

I kind of agree with this. I've never laid hands on an Xbox, yet I've played all but three of these games.

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How about instead of writing idiotic blog posts about how you've never heard of a guy who has been clubbing home runs for years, Mr. Eifling, you make an effort to actually pay attention to sports? This article makes you sound like a moron.