
That would seem doubtful to me. Sunday Ticket on PS3 is $299. Why would they give that away with the purchase of this game?

But a PS3 controller will work when connected via an OTG cable.

So it's gonna cost me $16 for a DUI story that I'm admittedly intrigued by, along with 250 pages of heart-warming stories about your kids that will probably make me want to gag?

I know you can't see or hear me, Scott, but I'm currently making a dismissive fart noise with my armpit.

As our culture gets more fast-paced and more crap competes for our attention, every movie and/or TV show that's more than ten years old suddenly seems like a silent film. It's one thing for Citizen Kane to seem long and boring... that was a different era of filmmaking. And it's black and white, which is obviously

As is always the case, I think I blacked out halfway through the 2,000-word story about some guy who was scared of a rat, but if he keeps his bread products unwrapped on the kitchen counter, isn't he kind of asking for an infestation of some sort? Put your damn bread loaves in a bag, idiot.

He may very well be a horrendous businessman, but the one game that his studio did produce — Kingdoms of Amalur — is pretty damn good.

Give it a shot if you have $20 to spare, but be prepared for the possibility that you'll hate it. I did. I played through it anyway, though, because I didn't want to feel like I'd wasted the $40 I spent on it. But I was bored and frustrated the entire time. Lots of people love this game. Not sure how, but they do. To

Megyn Kelly has probably been the cause of more weird, confused erections than any chick in recent history.

If this (…) turns out to be true (and let's be honest, it's the NY Post, so it may not), let the record show that I called it in a comment on that story of yours about the guy who was taking pictures from his window before the blasts.

I don't like the looks of the guy in blue towards the upper right of the 10:53 photo.

These guys are sports-bloggers. What the hell do they need even skin tone for?

The worst thing about that video? The fucking yellow balloon floating off just after the explosion.

Those boxes on the left ("should you play this game" and the others) look really amateurish. Couldn't you guys learn a bit more CSS and spice them up some?

I didn't see any clips of a scene in which the two drivers race their wheelchairs down a hospital hallway. Count me out.

So sad for this kid.

Drew, I'm thinking about pre-ordering your upcoming book. Are your other books any good and/or worth reading as well?

I'm not trying to be overdramatic, but in a butterfly effect-kind of way (in which small things can significantly affect the world over time), you'd have to agree that we as a culture aren't better off having images of guys pointing shotguns at us hanging over our heads at all times, right? That kind of thing can't

So everything would've been cool with you had they put a cartoon of a pink bunny in their logo or something? How old are you?

I didn't love the first one. Thought it was kind of dull and repetitive. But I bought the second one when it was cheap on Black Friday. I just recently got around to playing it, and I'm bored by this one as well. Especially since I played Far Cry 3 — a great, well-paced game — immediately before it. It might just be