
This is only a guess: the Disney legal team (Battalion? Division?) crunched the numbers and they are confident that the current shitty state will cost Disney less (even with lawsuit losses and payouts) than just honouring contracts/obligations.

now they should let obsidian make the next fallout

When my daughter was 8, I read her The Hobbit and she loved it. Then she couldn’t get through The Hobbit movies. Then she loved The Lord of the Rings movies. We haven’t attempted the books.


There is impact, yes, but its nothing that the body can’t handle. The USRSA list ( would tell you that its certainly possible to run every day. I’ve personally averaged over 7 miles per day on my 17xx day streak, with no major injuries. In fact, the only time I have any type of pain is after a

If you are hurting your knees and ankles by running, you need to work on your form. 

I’m not familiar with him but damn...hes got the handsome part down pat. 

John Henry’s wife will actually be played by a light skinned Latina or East Asian.

For the Horde.

Ya know, it really was.

No one expects that Spanish Inquisition.

High Life or bust.

Fuck cancer.

“Betty Ross, Bruce Banner’s one-time beau?”

“Is it tacky to bring my own Tupperware for leftovers?”

The guy’s a visual director... it’s his whole shtick, and tbh he does it damn well. He’s just not so good on the story side of things.

That sounds like a remix of Runaway from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Anyone else hearing that? The piano is basically the same progression and you can fit a lot of the lyrics into the piano parts. I hope the anachronistic music playing this season is all Kanye.

black or pinto.

Honestly the camera quality making the saber purple for Rey’s blade is awesome. I think she could pull off a purple saber in the next movie no problem.