now they should let obsidian make the next fallout
now they should let obsidian make the next fallout
When my daughter was 8, I read her The Hobbit and she loved it. Then she couldn’t get through The Hobbit movies. Then she loved The Lord of the Rings movies. We haven’t attempted the books.
There is impact, yes, but its nothing that the body can’t handle. The USRSA list ( would tell you that its certainly possible to run every day. I’ve personally averaged over 7 miles per day on my 17xx day streak, with no major injuries. In fact, the only time I have any type of pain is after a…
If you are hurting your knees and ankles by running, you need to work on your form.
John Henry’s wife will actually be played by a light skinned Latina or East Asian.
Ya know, it really was.
High Life or bust.
Fuck cancer.
“Is it tacky to bring my own Tupperware for leftovers?”
black or pinto.
They must be doing a piss poor job of canning if they’ve got a botulin problem. Jesus.
The sword.... IS HIS PENIS!!!!!
They can still have some of the best satire anywhere. Join the conversation.
If it isn’t fast enough you need to invest 20 dollars into SnagIt which lets you hot key all kinds of captures and has a editor.
Glad to see the unpopular Star Trek opinions continuing in our comment sections.
Glad to see the unpopular Star Trek opinions continuing in our comment sections.
PETA can choke to death on their own shit
She wouldn’t even need to be a side piece anymore. Pepper Potts is a great character, but more screen time for Marisa Tomei over Gwyneth Paltrow is pretty much a win-win-win-win scenario.
I’m not trying to be cool, but I had no idea Hawaii Five-0 was still on the air until this controversy.