
And that’s the thing, I have no idea who decided pinching these pennies was the hill to die on unless it was to shore up COVID losses. Even if it was COVID related ADF deserves to be paid for his work, full stop. I’m just trying to figure out who at Disney okayed this massively stupid PR move or their logic behind it.

Again, I was never defending Disney. I was wondering if this was a new development or not. Disney has lost almost all of their main revenue streams this year due to movie and amusement park closures. Again, they still owe the money to ADF, I 100% support him, I was just wondering why they’re penny pinching on his

I am absolutely being serious, they have lost out on hundreds of millions of dollars this year because of movie theater closures and the closure of their parks. They are not broke and I am not defending them at all I am just saying perhaps this is their logic that they are taking money away from these less profitable

I wonder if this started recently or has been ongoing? Disney has been financially struggling since COVID basically hit them super hard, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a result of them trying to pinch pennies on smaller contracts to offset the loss.

My favorite bit is how ridiculous the attention to detail is on this show:

Yep biggest takeaway for me is now Microsoft owns both Obsidian and Bethesda they can get Obsidian back to work on the IP again if they are so inclined.

Now Microsoft owns Obsidian and Bethesda so they can get Obsidian back in to help with Fallout again...

If you’ve never watched any of it it before I will warn you that the show is, by design, not in chronological order. So it can be a little jarring how the show bounces around at first.

When I was growing up the one thing I remember really well was that the Harry Potter audio books were fantastically done. Jim Dale did absolutely amazing work and I highly recommend those audio books for any long car ride with children.

And I especially enjoyed how she wasn’t the Romulan plant. She was just an Admiral that still believed in Starfleet and the Federation and was just sick and tired of Jean Lucs bullshit. We all side with Picard by default but I like how the show frames it that neither side is perfect and there are still plenty of

Picard always admired Data and viewed him as a man coming to terms with sentience and existence in an almost childlike way that Picard always respected. Picard, especially, in Data-heavy episodes of TNG and the movies definitely viewed Data as a friend and someone he cared for almost like a brother.

Harry Kim is the most hilariously picked on character by the writers. Tom Paris was in prison, given a battlefield commission, promoted to Lieutenant, demoted back down to Ensign and then promoted back to Lieutenant all while Kim never was promoted even once and then in the original timeline he did make Captain in the

Ship - Voyager

Jesus Christ Claire, have some freaking self-respect.

I hope that it’s the future but a different future than we’ve seen. Maybe Oliver dies of natural causes at like 50 cause all the shit he’s been through, maybe the city isn’t a complete shit show but there are just a new wave of villains rising up. They can easily change the future if they want to and still keep the

Obviously the game is going to be a completely different place in a week so what I would recommend is doing the unlock stuff first so you can flesh it out more during Shadowkeep.

Now playing

Yeah the man who co-founded an anti child-slavery foundation has never done anything good besides play a goofball on a sitcom...

Probably would also suggest scanning for malware and viruses if you don’t do it often (apparently a big problem for many less tech savvy Mac users). I’ve met a lot of people in College who couldn’t understand why their Macs were slow and I would run a malwarebytes scan and it would find a handful of issues that were

Proper running form has been proven time and time again to not be detrimental to your knees and does not increase risk of osteoarthritis. The reason some runners get problems later in life is poor form and injuries not healing properly and general genetic disposition.

I’ve said it before but I really hope this season of Jessica Jones takes place during the snap years. Would be very interesting to see a grounded take of how regular people handled the snap and they could even end the show post Endgame if they want to give everyone a satisfying conclusion.