
The Bungie tweet is referring to the Reddit post a guy made on the Destiny Subreddit yesterday that he was so sure Bungie wouldn’t let Prometheus Lens be in Xurs inventory that he would shave his head and glue his hair to his face to make a beard if it was there.

I know he still eats like garbage but to be honest, I ditch the bun too when I am eating healthy and still want a burger. The bread at most restaurants on sandwiches and burgers is usually prepared with toasted butter and other oils. Hell a burger bun at Red Robin is 250 calories in and of itself. But yeah, in his

I think alcohol is one of those bullshit scapegoats that people use as an excuse to be a shitty person. Alcohol doesn’t make the man shitty. He is an asshole before the alcohol and just uses it as an excuse. Rather than ban the open bar they should just enforce stricter harrassment policies. If you are drunk at the

Im Mexican and went to the white girlfriends Thanksgiving last year and was so fucking disappointed. White people have good food but when it comes to Thanksgiving they act like they know best and 95% of the time they have no idea that their food game is weak.

As a heads up you misspelled Ubuntu as “Unbuntu” 4 times in this article. Once in the title and then three more times sprinkled through.

I usually get dry mouth and just blah but after a glass of water and a multivitamin first thing after waking up I’m usually good to go. Also I never sleep in after drinking (try to be awake before 8:30), I feel the longer you stay in bed the harder it is to get moving after you drink the night before.

Game Companies like EA and Activision now include microtransactions as part of their projected earnings. So my thought is this, we all hate loot boxes to some extent, what would satisfy us when it comes to this? I mean, the cost of video games has remained relatively stagnant for close to 15 years now. If these

Kind of like Star Wars Galaxies Jump to Lightspeed but with Battlefront 2 graphics. Sometimes you get out of your ship and can go around spaceports and what not or walk around your own personalized ships but mostly flight sim based space dogfighting across the Galaxy with both PvE and PvP battles all across the Star

Mainly get Light Beers cause they’re cheap and good for parties. Easy to drink for drinking games and almost everyone can drink a light beer without complaining. Yeah if I’m having a barbeque with family and close friends I’ll get something nice but if I’m having a New Year’s Eve Party where we’re drinking for 6+

Penn State Main Campus is not in Eastern PA. Eastern PA is Amish Country and Philly.

This sounds wonderful! Can I get ungreyed? I look forward to all you will be bringing to the table!

From the sounds of it, it will be very Alterac Valley-esque where you go around capturing points and clearing enemy chokepoints while peons build up a base and then you will run in and siege the enemy fort. The only difference being completely NPC and no PvP aspect.

“Don’t go to Cheers.”

They definitely ask you for proof of enrollment but I believe when you hit the four year mark the service ends regardless of your enrollment status because they only offer the service up to 4 years per Prime Account. You’d have to make an all new Prime account and get your University to hook you up with a new email

I mean Amazon has had Prime Student for 6 month free trial + 49$ a year for a long time now, I first got my Prime Student account over four or five years ago and was paying 49$ back then as well. This month by month sub isn’t even better since it costs more in the end. All college students or parents with kids in

Cholula should be restaurants hot sauce of choice in nearly every situation. It has a great flavor to it and is usually in that universal comfort zone for most people as to be not too spicy that most people can eat it no problem.

Now that the Traveler is alive again, Dead Orbit is kind of a moot faction. They want to run because they think Earth has no hope. With the traveler we can start rebuilding. We either need New Monarchy to lead us into a new Golden Age or FWC to actually prepare us against the darkness but DO probably is the least

New Monarchy also appears to be the most secure faction ATM. They have an actual building and they are the ones who have a booth passing out supplies to citizens. If you go by Hawthorne you can see that NM actually appears to have a strong presence. Dead Orbit and FWC both are still operating out of the hangar.

Are you sure it’s not Caribou Coffee? Properly spelled. Cause I love Caribou and it is from Minnesota also and Google keeps redirecting me to Caribou.

Not gonna lie, I had this coworker who would show up to work and throw a fit if you made him do something before he got his coffee. He would literally pout and say “Can you wait until I get my coffee first?”. He acted like not having his coffee was an excuse to not work yet. I called him out on that bullshit all the