
Bonus like #1: Her costume was pretty cool.

So if Godzilla Minus One gets bigger, does he become Godzilla Zero?

You love to see a genuinely great movie succeed. 

Cuba = Communist with a big ‘C’ in that it is one-party rule where said party is the source of all governmental, professional, and social activity. Like China, you want to get ahead, you must be in the party. Not in the party means you are nothing/marginalized. Oppose the party and find yourself at best in prison. In

Angry Jeep faces should be number 1. Ruins the look. Especially on the TJ

I will defend season 4 of Agents of SHIELD against all comers.

So are all the men, woman and children trying to survive in the gaza strip with no infrastructure while being indiscriminately bombed hamas?

One cannot be anti-semitic by denying Jews a homeland. The land is not going anywhere, jews can chose to live in the area if they want as many jewish families have done for thousands of years. The people are not entitled to a state, more importantly they are not entitled to one if it means oppression and displacement

They are. Spyglass is apparently just openly supporting genocide and parroting far-right talking points.

“Never Again” means, in part, that new again will the future of the Jewish people depend on the indulgence of the majority.”

No, you’re literally regurgitating the exact propaganda talking-points in question.

Equating the state of Israel with Judaism itself is one of the greatest accomplishments the Israeli far right ever pulled off, even though it’s actually anti-Semitic in itself.

The greatest propaganda achievement in modern history is how Zionists in Israel convinced the world that any criticism towards the extremist right-wing government in Israel is “anti-semitism”.

I think you’re reading way too much into a puffy quote tossed off in a Vanity Fair piece.

You have to admire Sony's commitment to continuing to release Spider-adjacent movies that look like they should have been tax writeoffs

This looks like a fake movie that you would see on TV in another movie

How is Sony so good at super hero movies when they're  animated but so garbage at them when they're live action?

i did not know this movie came out. i remember seeing a trailer and that was it.

What if you could link several together and only need one driver?

And maybe put those cars on rails.