
Doesn’t even need to be that, anything with a point that you can hit from the other end will work to be honest. That said this should never have happened. Also something I learned from a misspent youth, porcelain, like say from part of a spark plus works REALLY freaking well to shatter a car window lol.  

It was always amusing to see cortosis pop up every now and again in EU stuff.

Ye helped ship about 28 tons of weed out of Oklahoma before being arrested in December 2022

Gotta say, the fake Amazon delivery van idea is pretty genius.

I guess they felt the need to distinguish the MARVEL COMICS from the MARVEL SUPPOSITORY PRODUCTS division.

Sure, but that one at least tickles the nostalgia and has some color and character.

Now I kinda want them to go on strike. That would be the most magical picket line ever.

Ha ha! Jokes on them, I have the biometrics for my phone tied to the third toe of my left foot!

Did he try parking it in rice overnight?

Came here to post exactly that, will give a star instead.

“Don’t Be Evil,” unless you can make billions off it, apparently. 

Fantastic episode, and best one of the series so far. I wish they spent a little less time in Westchester w/ the Scott & Jean drama because it was so cool to see the Genosha / Krakoa hybrid - especially with Pixie and Madrox (two of my favorites) with brief cameos.

In the past, the advice to passengers in a hijacking scenario was to sit tight and comply with the hijackers’ instructions. By and large, until 9/11, that advice had worked. Some hijackings had resulted in the deaths of a few passengers but the overwhelming majority of aircraft passengers had survived hijacking

It has always been theater. A 9/11 style attack isn’t a reasonable attack vector anymore, the passengers would shut that shit down FAST. The only reason it worked like it did is because by and large when airplanes had been hijacked in the past it wasn’t to be used as a missile.

I agree, though I would still put Tie Fighter up higher than either. But it doesn’t matter, both games were, to me, better than Dark Forces; yes, it’s the first entry in the FPS genre, but let’s be honest, it’s kind of monotone and you’re pretty much just shooting stormtroopers in Imperial Hallways. It looks like just

Do NOT park in front of the air hose or the vacuum unless you are actively USING the air hose or the vacuum. Exceptions are made only if you are getting change from the person behind the bullet-proof glass. “I was completely oblivious as to where I parked while getting lottery tickets and a Mountain Dew” is NOT one of

Man that’s the third time I’ve seen Unit 731 referenced today...

As a mostly DC comics reader since the 80's and is mostly familiar with the X-Men from the animated series and mainstream pop culture, finding out that Beast is actually evil is very, very surprising.

It’s like finding out that the Seven Dwarfs’ Doc was actually the lead scientist for Japan’s Unit 731 in World War 2.

Very cool. But, this idea has been around in racing for a long while...