
Doesn’t even need to be that, anything with a point that you can hit from the other end will work to be honest. That said this should never have happened. Also something I learned from a misspent youth, porcelain, like say from part of a spark plus works REALLY freaking well to shatter a car window lol.  

In the past, the advice to passengers in a hijacking scenario was to sit tight and comply with the hijackers’ instructions. By and large, until 9/11, that advice had worked. Some hijackings had resulted in the deaths of a few passengers but the overwhelming majority of aircraft passengers had survived hijacking

It has always been theater. A 9/11 style attack isn’t a reasonable attack vector anymore, the passengers would shut that shit down FAST. The only reason it worked like it did is because by and large when airplanes had been hijacked in the past it wasn’t to be used as a missile.

Do NOT park in front of the air hose or the vacuum unless you are actively USING the air hose or the vacuum. Exceptions are made only if you are getting change from the person behind the bullet-proof glass. “I was completely oblivious as to where I parked while getting lottery tickets and a Mountain Dew” is NOT one of

Very cool. But, this idea has been around in racing for a long while...

Cuba = Communist with a big ‘C’ in that it is one-party rule where said party is the source of all governmental, professional, and social activity. Like China, you want to get ahead, you must be in the party. Not in the party means you are nothing/marginalized. Oppose the party and find yourself at best in prison. In

Angry Jeep faces should be number 1. Ruins the look. Especially on the TJ

What if you could link several together and only need one driver?

And maybe put those cars on rails.

She is the worst, for a variety of reasons. He isn’t apparently much better, but it’s very clear that she has full control over Wil.

No doubt - they can be REALLY quiet, especially on modern continuously welded rail. And then add “no horn zones” to the mix.

Another argument for concealed carry (with mandatory training of course).

“...the game’s ultra-realistic planetary orbits...”

Oh please. You are disconnected not the rank and file. How long can the Company run without a “CEO” LOL? Do tell. Hint it wont fkn shut down at all. Please preach reality and not CEO defense BS. The utter difference between CEO pay and the average employee has ZERO justification. They do it because they can. The

And that’s fine. Retcons to make a better story or adapt to out of control changes happen all the time.

Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter were both better than they needed to be. While the rift between Perlmutter and Feige meant that none of the great characters in those shows ever got any real recognition in the movies, maybe that rift allowed them to tell more complete and satisfying stories than they’d otherwise have

Ehhh... I liked them both. It’s weird to me that after a decade and a half of pretty decent guilty pleasure entertainment, people seem to be holding Marvel to some high standard, once Endgame rolled credits. They’re all pretty good, except The Dark World (just didn’t like that movie at all.)