
Sure, let me entrust my money to someone who has recently caused billions upon billions of dollars of value to evaporate.

If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever.

I think he’s still pissed that he was fired from Paypal. He’s obsessed with fintech and he’s running twitter into the ground because of it.

If you sign up for Twitters new banking service, you deserve to lose all your money. LOL

She is the worst, for a variety of reasons. He isn’t apparently much better, but it’s very clear that she has full control over Wil.

So where was Baylon Skoll, and what was he looking at, another Jedi temple off in the distance?


The WGA contract has nothing to do with it. The streaming business model was already unsustainable and unprofitable for all of the newer entrants.

And the coolest thing in that book, the Rebel light carrier, popped up in Rebels. 

Nuanced” is not a word often associated with CoPL, but actually? I kind of miss its take on Dathomir, where we got to see an entire culture of force sensitive people, light and dark. Clone wars does a good job with the Nightsisters, but totally misses the point that not all the Witches of Dathomir were dark siders.

Psssh, everyone knows Truce at Bakura is the most important Star Wars novel 

Look, I’m as much an EU apologist as the next guy — and I unabashedly have a soft-spot for this book — but I acknowledge that it’s not a very good book.

No doubt - they can be REALLY quiet, especially on modern continuously welded rail. And then add “no horn zones” to the mix.

Another argument for concealed carry (with mandatory training of course).

notepad++ has already killed notepad for anyone that needs to do regular work in plain txt files.

Notepad has a place as a basic text editor. Its specific value is NOT having any formatting which is often necessary to edit certain types of files.

“...the game’s ultra-realistic planetary orbits...”