
Oh please. You are disconnected not the rank and file. How long can the Company run without a “CEO” LOL? Do tell. Hint it wont fkn shut down at all. Please preach reality and not CEO defense BS. The utter difference between CEO pay and the average employee has ZERO justification. They do it because they can. The

And that’s fine. Retcons to make a better story or adapt to out of control changes happen all the time.

Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter were both better than they needed to be. While the rift between Perlmutter and Feige meant that none of the great characters in those shows ever got any real recognition in the movies, maybe that rift allowed them to tell more complete and satisfying stories than they’d otherwise have

Ehhh... I liked them both. It’s weird to me that after a decade and a half of pretty decent guilty pleasure entertainment, people seem to be holding Marvel to some high standard, once Endgame rolled credits. They’re all pretty good, except The Dark World (just didn’t like that movie at all.)

Good luck on that picket line! I’m hoping for a resolution to come soon, but, man the studios really want to screw you guys this time. (As opposed to all the other times — when they also want to screw you.)

Thanks for the shoutout to the WGA/SAGAFTRA strikes. My wife is WGA and I’m SAGAFTRA so we’re very invested in the picket line. Anything you love in a movie or TV show (or a play for that matter) was written by someone and performed by someone. All we want is to not be shafted by executives who absolutely need $24M/yr

I suppose I should be encouraged that they have moved from 1950's messaging to 1980's messaging.

I really loved my windows phones, ans yeah, at the time, cortana was miles ahead of other voice assistants. 

I get that Roiland is poison, but if they can’t find a replacement actor that sounds somewhat similar then they should just kill off the Korvo character and replace them. None of these characters are supposed to be likeable, so why would the audience care if one of them gets killed and replaced?

My rule of thumb for tjis kind of thing as always been “ If it!s sound exactly like something a fan came up in a commemt section based on existing material, it’s probably false.”

Losing Agent Hill this quickly didn’t quite feel earned to me. My primary issue with this story thus far is that Fury seemingly insistent on working this outside of either SABER or U.S. resources feels like a bit of Idiot Ball plotting. But we’ll see where this goes. 

Probably, but I just can’t get worked up that they didn’t pay human artists to imitate an AI. YMMV.

I agree that AI shouldn’t be used to emulate the styles of existing artists or to avoid paying human artists for designs, but I don’t see this use as problematic. They’re using an AI generator here because the characteristic fucked-up way that it tends to render human subjects is artistically appropriate to the themes

We have drive thru daiquiris here and basically they can sell them and not violate the open container law by putting a piece of tape over the straw hole LOL, of course ALSO giving you a straw with it as well.  But then again 90% of the time someone comes in and buys a single beer they gonna pop it open as soon as the

There are places in this state where alcohol may be your only entertainment of note while driving. As in FM stations don’t even reach there. 

I didn’t say that they should be treated poorly. Maybe fair game was a poor choice of words.

Public figure, fair game, but Stein’s a dick. His stupid, rude ‘questions’ give me fremdeschamen.

I hope Hayden Christensen is happy. I get bummed out sometimes thinking about Star Wars (well, toxic Star Wars fans really) absolutely wrecked Jake Lloyd’s life. 

Then you show up early and get a spot close to the stage.  You don’t go pushing your way through a crowd because you were too lazy to show up early.  Sucks to suck and they deserved to embarrassed. 

I’m not sure how you can do Blackest Night if nobody’s really even solved for Green Lantern yet. I stopped watching the show after Crisis, but I’m pretty sure they just teased it interminably and then dumped the idea, right?