
This is the 2m exhaust port of D+.

2FA makes it way harder for me to give out the password to my sister, cousin, mom & dad, ex-girlfriend from HS, that kid on my darts team, etc, though.

A show that we are saddled with because of false equivocations like this.

“They’re all bad and I’m too lazy to distinguish between mildly bad and willfully corrupt!”

I used to think Trump and the Republicans were playing checkers while the rest of us are playing chess. But it turns out they can barely manage Hi Ho! Cherry-O.

You know what doesn’t have the letter O?

Devin Nunes: It’s completely unacceptable that the committee is doing all of its work in secret!

1. I hate clowns

Well now that the mystery is solved I’ll just end my Disney+ free trial. 

This was the largest aspect ratio Disney could afford. Should they, therefore, be made the subject of fun?

Plot Twist! Greedo’s Shot was the Friends He Made Along The Way.

Needs more Yub Nub!

Seriously, 4x3 and commentary and you have people locked in for life.

Oh twitter, never change

Luckily most Star Wars fans are easy going chaps, and don’t mind a touch up here or there to established canon.

“If I don’t get some Toy Story bitches, you  all gonna get a Forky to the eye”

Gummi Bears. Man. I haven’t seen that since I was a kid but I still remember that theme song clearly lol. 

The liquid metal stairs on the ship in Flight of the Navigator are still cool.

I think it’s just The Simpsons, since Fox had already done that for the old episodes when they were on the Simpsons World site and FXNOW; true, they had a 4:3 uncropped option, but it wasn’t the default, and in the FXNOW app it was nigh-impossible to find.

A two-headed goose? Surely the sign of the apocalypse. Especially after Untitled Goose Game.