
Hes got the reflexes of a cat

Just hope they don’t get the dreaded “Click of Death”

That era of Spider-Man in particular was...............not the best era of Spider-Man.

With the regular season about to start, it’s obvious that LeBron will offer no defense against Kanter.

Shut it down folks. We have a winner

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.

Back in ‘82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile...

Pshaw, I saw Doug Flutie dropkick an extra point. ONLY CALL ME WHEN SUPER WEIRD SHIT HAPPENS.

So now we’re shitting on people for reaching the right conclusion but not being super aware of world events in their 20's. Just wanna be clear on this. That’s our new bar. You suck if you didn’t know about stuff in your 20's that you should have. 


Boobie Miles III putting up big yards for Coach Briles, all while Buzz Bissinger gets publicly flogged in the stands.

No.  Except the 2nd Amendment and stops at the whole REGULATED MILITIAS thing.

No, no.  Rest assured you simply missed the point.  

Someone failed reading comprehension.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment that this decision is likely backed by the need to continue generating good business prospects with China, the hypocrisy from some people here is astounding.

AARP messages you when it's time to start tucking your t shirt into your BVDs.

“Our investigation not looking for anything didn’t find anything. That concludes our press conference of our findings and I will take no questions.”

I’m going to withhold judgement till Neil Young writes a song about it.

When you need the friction to help your pants stay up.