
the athletic department released this promo video starring Self in a [tucked-in] Adidas t-shirt and dollar-sign chain

Please clizzap.

Rock Chalk, Crip Walk

How does a grandparent (or parent if younger) tell their granddaughter or grandson not to become an acrobatic dancer when Kansas is featuring them with Snoop at basketball games?

Haha, that’s a pretty good catch. She has a good voice for it, I catch her show as a podcast often enough. And it sounds like she’s gonna be female JJJ. 

the sorriest non-Dolphins team in the NFL right now”

It is a very short article, yet you clearly did not read it.

Good to see the guys from Nickelback didn’t stand around waiting for a hero to save us.

Hey everyone, this guy figured out that the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars lacks an understanding of how an NFL team operates!

I think this is why they created Blackgate Penitentiary in the comics. That way you got your prison for your sane super criminals and your asylum for crazy super criminals. Note that sometimes the asylum has to hold blackgate people and vice versa depending on which building is being blown up in that arc.

We are no longer the knights who say “Kylo” we are now the knights who say “grandfatheriwillfinishwhatyoubegan!”

Between him and Sandusky it was a terrible place to be a kid.

Leading candidate for next manager 

In 1965 I hitchhiked from Harpur College to Cornell to see the Rolling Stones at Barton Hall. We got there early so to kill time we went to the Cornell/Columbia football game. At halftime the Columbia band performed before the BIG RED BAND came on. Their theme was a typical Saturday night at college. I remember they

A horse drawn carriage? But what if there were mares pulling it?

Now I’m picturing undercover cops wearing ironic Creed t-shirts making sure their mustaches are coated with the right kind of oil for trolling the streets of Corktown trying to find rogue Juul dealers.

Thank goodness we’re rid of weak Obama and his endless Apology Tours and complete abdication of American Sovereignty. It’s awesome to have a Strong, America-First President who is, uh, just waiting to be told how to proceed and whom to attack by another country.

Watching Court’s insta throughout all of this has been a delightful reminder that yes, she’s Courtney Love but she’s also a 55-year-old mom. It’s the most delightful combination of righteous anger deployed by someone really good at rage, random spacing, bad grammar, and momstagramming.  I couldn’t possibly love her

+1 Alderaan being blown up by the Death Star