
“Every story deserves a happy ending.”

Republicans, attacking a genuine American hero? I’m shocked, I say, shocked that they wouldn’t support a decorated military officer.

Twenty years ago, my coach said all he saw out there were little girls, but anecdotes aren’t data.

I have been addressing several white friends with “Howdy, Honky,” for at least five years now. It’s such an underrated and underused word, man.

More like Jalen Helps am i right folks

The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun in a postal truck is a good guy with a gun in a... FedEx truck?

something funny about an actual Nazi also being a grammar nazi

My biggest and, I think, least shared comic opinion is that I’m furious Deadpool came along and stole America’s heart by taking the Ambush Bug schtick, but replacing the wry and well-crafted commentary on comics as both culture and medium and replacing it with a dick joke.

Heroic NCAA Protects Student From Football

Guess Kellyanne never heard of Ronald Reagan, either. 

“Conway also said Swift is “welcome to her opinion,” but when “Hollywood and singers and all go political” it only backfires. “

Says the person who works for a game show host. 

This isn’t related to this article, but it’s still important.

Maps, how do they work?

Correction the Tusla Roughnecks are the other kind of football team, the Houston Roughnecks are the XFL team.

Yep. It can’t be a coincidence that his father happens to be the Commish of the XFL...

Groan, here's your star.

Going to be weird not seeing him on Sundays in the fall.

This is a tragedy for the parents and the mentally ill son, but your comment is very funny, so you get a star.

Man. He got hit in the head so repetitively his son went crazy.