
Sooooo .... why not just play on the CFL field as it is normally? “Oh no, the goalposts are not on the goal line - it wouldn’t be a true test for our field goal kickers. So instead, we’re gonna play on an 80-yard field.”

Why do I feel like the backlash would come so much faster if this was Kyler Murray or Deshaun Watson making these comments?

Not that it was necessary, but I’m glad we can we finally bury this abused and battered equine.

if you had ACTUAL morals, you wouldn’t have children. Human beings are a parasitic bioweapon that is destroying the earth. We are not the cure. We are the disease.

Counterpoint: Consumers don’t have time to seek out all the political opinions and donations of every business/store/restaurant they go to. The gasoline you put in your car every day comes from oil companies that predominantly lobby and donate Republican, so what exactly is the difference between buying gasoline and

After handling a 3 year old all day, your energy for grandstanding about protesting fast food protests is rather diminished.

Stephen King has said he tries to write 2000 words a day. With manuscript formatting, that’s four pages.

She’s the asshole from the Real World, San Francisco!

Susan B. Anthony is turning in her grave... in order to get away from the gropey Katy Perry.

Why is Wendy’s under the impression they cannot hire recovering addicts?

G.I Joe and the Last Crusade For That Crossover Money.

You mean more Village People-ish?

When are they going to be more colorful....

All well and good, but do they get to fight the Decepticons?

Can’t wait for the breakneck spincycle we’re about to receive. Also, the “well, the Dayton shooter was a Leftist!” while completely ignoring that the Dayton shooter just wanted to kill indiscriminately, while the El Paso shooter specifically targeted a group for a political reason that was inspired by our piece of

The mustachioed gentlemen to Wesley Snipes’ right was wrongfully ignored by the 1989 Academy Awards’ Best Supporting Actor category.

Possibly the arrival scene would have been more relevant, but either way it had to be done.

Came here for this. 

haven’t seen a brown run like that since the last time i had salmonella